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2022-01-19 14:16:00
Can you read this?

Your MIND is the greatest POWER
511 viewsedited  11:16
2022-01-19 13:40:00
The best Telegram channel  Productive person with beneficial habits for study and self-development

• Eliminate stress, negativity and toxic environments
• Meditate and manage emotions
• Preserving personal boundaries

Subscribe, it's cozy here - @prod_person
521 views10:40
2022-01-19 09:11:32 Mind power pinned a photo
2022-01-19 09:03:00
Can massaging your big toe make your brain work better?

Practitioners of foot reflexology, a kind of foot massage based on the principles of traditional Chinese medicine, would say YES.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, if you manipulate the reflex points on the feet that communicate with the brain, you will stimulate the flow of vital energy to the brain and promote a healthful balance of the brain's processes.

Reflexologists would recommend that you try a foot massage to relieve stress and promote a state of deep relaxation--to improve the quality of your sleep; to relieve headaches, including migraines; and to reduce anxiety and depression.

Your MIND is the greatest POWER
769 views06:03
2022-01-18 18:40:00

Cue is a trigger that tells your brain to go into automatic mode and which habit to use.

It is what you do once you get the cue. It can be physical or mental or emotional.

Reward helps your brain figure out if this particular loop is worth remembering for the future.

For example, take the habit of craving for junk food.

You are driving on a highway and you are hungry. You see a McDonald’s (cue). You pull off your car and orders a burger. You eat it (routine). You get rewarded. You ate a burger even though you knew there are healthier options available in other places.

Our cravings initiate habit loop.

Our brain remembers the outcome of each habit. It remembers the feedback. If it is positive, it acts automatically when the cue comes again. Thus, the loop is formed and the neural pathway for the habit gets wired into our brain.

Your MIND is the greatest POWER
1.0K views15:40
2022-01-18 14:16:00
A ketogenic diet and ketones can help repair myelin.

A ketogenic diet is a very low-carb diet – less than 50 grams of carbs per day.

When you restrict carbohydrate-rich foods – such as grains, sugar, and even potatoes, legumes and fruit – your body enters ketosis, a metabolic state in which your body and brain run on fatty acids and “ketones” instead of glucose.

Ketones are an alternative source of energy for your brain cells. And several studies show that when you increase the production of ketones, you improve myelination and increase myelin production.

Ketones can also increase your brain’s growth hormone, help you overcome brain fog, support your brain’s mitochondria, and slow down cognitive decline.

Your MIND is the greatest POWER
1.3K views11:16
2022-01-18 09:03:00
Your MIND is the greatest POWER
1.2K views06:03
2022-01-17 21:11:00
Your MIND is the greatest POWER
433 views18:11
2022-01-17 18:00:50
Associative memory refers to the ability to remember relationships between concepts, and not just the individual concepts themselves. In humans, this relates to visual and verbal information, such as remembering how two words are related (e.g., man – women), or seeing an object and its alternate names (e.g., a guitar).

Pitfalls of Associative Memory:
There are some ways that associative memory might connect in ways that you don't intend when a bad memory is brought back to your mind or a random association is created.

You associate your kindergarten teacher with a monkey because she had one on her desk.
A smell brings back an event, like the apple pie that your mom would make when you were sick.
A song reminds you of your first kiss or some other memorable event in your life, and in doing so makes it harder for you to get "that" song out of your head.

Effectively harnessing this ability is a huge asset for the success of an individual.
714 views15:00
2022-01-17 14:16:00
Your MIND is the greatest POWER
936 views11:16