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Внезапно 6.49.3. Из-за дефицита чипов декабрьскую сборку v6 до | Mikrotik по-русски

Внезапно 6.49.3. Из-за дефицита чипов декабрьскую сборку v6 доставили лишь к середине февраля

New RouterOS 6.49.3 (Dec/22/2021 13:49:22):
*) bridge - improved system stability when initialising bridge interface *) console - updated copyright notice;
*) defconf - fixed secondary-frequency configuration;
*) ethernet - improved system stability when receiving large packets on devices with 88F3720 CPU (nRAY, LHGG);
*) led - fixed default LED configuration for CubeG-5ac60ad;
*) netinstall - fixed x86 installation process;
*) socks - fixed SOCKS5 support;
*) upgrade - improved 404 error handling when checking for new versions;
*) winbox - show "System/Health" only on boards that have health monitoring;
*) wireless - added U-NII-2 support for US and Canada country profiles for OmniTik 5, Metal 52 ac, and GrooveA 52 devices;
*) x86 - fixed downgrade from RouterOS v7.1.2 and above;