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Need someone to correct me on mistakes and grammar structures | Mikhail Petrov Eng

Need someone to correct me on mistakes and grammar structures

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1. How to end Russia-Ukraine war?

Russian economist, a professor at UCLA, Harvard alumni, just won a prestigious award, which often leads to a Nobel prize, here is his take on how to end war

In the article they wrote with another economist from Sciences Po (Paris), they analyzed the economic rationale for European embargo on Russian oil and gas. They refer to several studies of leading german economists as well as nobel prize winner Paul Krugrman

The conlusion is that it is economically more efficient to suffer from oil and gas ban than from a prolonging war. Their opinion is that it's the fastest way to end it, since 40% of Russian budget comes from oil and gas export.

If Germany stops energy imports from Russia

Studies forecast German GDP decrease of 0.5-3%, which is below the economic costs of COVID.

If EU stops energy imports from Russia

EU households’ real income could drop by 0.3-0.6%, with energy prices growing by 6.8-8%.

6. If Germany stops energy imports from Russia

Average German citizen could lose from 80 Euros to 1000 (pessimistic scenario) in income per year

7. Has anything like that happened before?

In 2011 there was an earthquake and a tsunami in Japan. It led to a nuclear accident, so the nuclear plants were shut down. Those plants accounted for 30% of country's energy production. Same number Germany imports from Russia.

Electricity prices increased between 10% and 40%