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I will literally never let illness take over my life again, or | Mikhaila Peterson

I will literally never let illness take over my life again, or the life of my parents. At least I'll do everything I possibly can to avoid that. Human bodies can heal, if you can figure out what they need. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. It's a lie sick people are told constantly.

Before I put my autoimmune disorder into remission the first time with @theliondiet, I stopped having hope. After I had my hip and ankle replaced when I was 17 I decided to stop hoping, it hurt too much. When I was 21, I changed my mind. When I was 22 I changed my mind even more and decided I was either going to cure myself or I was going to die trying. And I put myself into remission when I was 23.

Recently, the autoimmune symptoms crept back in slowly. I never got as sick as I was prior to the diet but symptoms were slow, insidious, sneaky. First a difficult time sleeping, then some muscle fatigue, things normal people have sometimes. Then it progressed into a bit of anxiety, then a bit more, then constant cold symptoms, then digestive issues, and eventually full blown insomnia, fibromyalgia like pain everywhere, numbness, constant bronchitis and arthritis. It took me a long time to figure out what was going on. Months.

I paused the podcast when I finally got too sick to think. My internal dialogue died. I couldn't walk up stairs. It was NUTS.