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Hi there! Today we will discuss about shock Let's go! What i | English for Medicine

Hi there! Today we will discuss about shock Let's go!

What is shock

Shock is a life-threatening circulatory disorder that leads to tissue hypoxia and a disturbance in microcirculation.

Types of shock

-hypovolemic shock - гиповолемический шок
(following massive blood/fluid loss),
-cardiogenic shock
- кардиогенный шок (as a result of acute heart failure),
-obstructive shock
- обструктивный шок (due to cardiac tamponade),
-septic shock - септический шок (due to infection, leads to dangerously low blood pressure and abnormalities in cellular metabolism)
-anaphylactic shock
- анафилактический шок (due to the release of inflammatory mediators and cytokines from mast cells and basophils)
-neurogenic shock
- нейрогенный шок (result of severe nerve damage that affects the heart and blood vessels)

circulatory disorder-циркуляторное нарушение
tissue hypoxia-тканевая гипоксия
disturbance in microcirculation-нарушение микроциркуляции
massive blood loss-массивная кровопотеря
acute heart failure-острая сердечная недостаточность
cardiac tamponade-сердечная тампонада
cellular metabolism-клеточный метаболизм
mast cells-тучные клетки

Video about shock