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How to Prepare a Jr. 3DDMP Demo Reel for your First Job in VFX | Matte Painting Feed

How to Prepare a Jr. 3DDMP Demo Reel for your First Job in VFX
To break into 3D Digital Matte Painting you need to know what to put on a demo reel. Why? Simply because a demo reel will determine whether or not you get a job. While aiming for your first job in Visual effects, it is really important to think about how to craft your demo reel. I list 7 things to include in a demo reel for people wanting to break into the industry.

1. 2D Photo Clean Up / Integration
2. Photo Collage Matte Painting
3. Camera Projection Work
4. 2D Matte Painting in Film Footage
5. Projected 3D Matte Painting
6. Photo Collage Concept Art
7. Other Generalist Work
