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Топ-10 ошибок по мнению комиссии США в написании personal stat | маша в англии 🧩

Топ-10 ошибок по мнению комиссии США в написании personal statement (продолжение)

3. Not thinking before writing (не думать перед тем как начать писать)

Комментарий комиссии:
You should spend as much time thinking about what you will write as actually putting words on paper. This will help you weed out the topics that just don’t go anywhere, determine which topic has the greatest pull for you, and figure out exactly what you want to say. It can help to talk yourself through your essay aloud or discuss your thoughts with a parent, teacher, or friend. The other person may see an angle or a flaw that you do not

4. Not answering the question (не отвечать на вопрос в написании эссе)

Комментарий комиссии:
While this seems simple enough, many students simply do not heed this. The advice is especially pertinent for those who recycle essays. We highly recommend recycling because it saves you time to write one essay that you use for many colleges, but the caveat is that you need to edit the essay so that it answers the question being asked. It turns admissions officers off when students submit an essay, even a well-written one, that doesn’t answer the question. They think that the students either aren’t serious enough about the college to submit an essay that has been specifically written or at least edited for that college, or that they just don’t follow directions. Either way, that’s not the impression you want to leave