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Сегодня обсудим 10 ошибок в написании personal statement из-за | маша в англии 🧩

Сегодня обсудим 10 ошибок в написании personal statement из-за которых Вас 100% не примут в университет по мнению комиссии университетов США, включая Ivy League

1. Trying to be someone else (пытаться быть кем-то другим)

Комментарий от комиссии:
This may sound very obvious, and well, it is. But you’d be surprised at how many students don’t heed this simple piece of advice. A lot of students think that they need to be who the admissions officers want them to be; but, in reality, the admissions officers want you to be you. They aren’t looking for the perfect student who is committed to every subject area, volunteers wholeheartedly for every cause, plays multiple sports with aptitude, and has no faults. Instead, they want to learn about the true you. Present yourself in an honest way, and you will find it much easier to write an essay about your genuine thoughts and feelings

2. Choosing a topic that sounds good but that you don’t care about (выбрать тему для эссе, которая звучит классно, но которая для Вас не интересна)

Комментарий от комиссии:
Many students think that colleges seek students who have performed a lot of community service, and it is true that colleges value contributions to your community. However, this doesn’t mean that you must write about community service, especially when it’s not something that has played a major role for you. The same holds true for any other topic. It’s critical that you select a topic that’s meaningful to you because you will be able to write about the topic in a complete and personal way