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Phil Jones - Acid fascism: Past and present ties between occul | Марксизм и критическая теория (Marxism and critical theory)

Phil Jones - Acid fascism: Past and present ties between occultism and the far right

Phil Jones on the commonplace use of new age references among QAnon supporters, and the historic connections between mysticism and fascism

Her words allude to QAnon, a conspiracy theory whose followers believe a paedophilic cabal of senior Democrats, Hollywood stars and billionaires run the world and harvest a life-giving chemical from the blood of abused children. The children are always ‘America’s children’ or ‘Britain’s children’, the purest, most innocent expression of the mystical Volk and a blatant reference to the ‘Christian children’ of the Blood Libel. Like past anti-Semitic conspiracies, QAnon and its associated strands transform sensations of impotence in the face of a catastrophic system into resentment of a fantasy elite, who have impaired reality to such a degree that only a strongman can now save us. QAnon promises, according to one adherent, a “reverse rapture”, ushered in, no less, by corporate messiah Donald Trump. Prophesied as the instigator of the ‘storm’ a day of reckoning when members of the cabal will be rounded up and brought to trial Trump’s central role reveals QAnon’s overtly fascistic aspirations. In the figure of the former president, its followers have found a willing hero. As President, Trump repeatedly made references to the ‘Deep state’ and even claimed QAnon’s followers “believe in good government”. His departure from office has only seen the movement grow and adapt, gaining further ground among the highest ranks of the Republican Party.
