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Law is nothing without Truth and Justice

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Последние сообщения 2

2023-04-27 03:35:15
Professor of Oncology, Angus Dalgleish, pleads for an urgent stop to the dangerous and ineffective experimental injections after seeing cancers "rapidly return" following boosters.

Subscribe to @WideAwakeMedia for more content like this!
909 views00:35
2023-04-26 11:05:58

Why is there a bio lab in Sudan???Gain of Function research happening all over the place!
1.0K views08:05
2023-04-25 17:04:55
www.charlieward.com THE INSIDERS CLUB
1.0K views14:04
2023-04-25 17:03:14
BREAKING: BlackRock increased its position in Fox ahead of Tucker's departure.

Blackrock are major shareholders in both FOX and Dominion.

1.0K views14:03
2023-04-25 16:58:17
Newsreader experiences severe cognitive dissonance after guest goes off script, informing her that human carbon emissions do not cause global warming.

Credit: https://twitter.com/JunkScience

Subscribe to @WideAwakeMedia for more content like this!
950 views13:58
2023-04-25 03:27:20
Every government has agreed to ban cash.

Follow @zeeemedia
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912 views00:27
2023-04-25 03:08:33
Tucker Carlson Says He Regrets Working for the Media ‘Control Apparatus’

“They’re job is not to inform you. They are working for the small group of people who actually run the world.” TC
1.1K views00:08
2023-04-25 02:55:36

986 views23:55
2023-04-23 23:32:03 Important! This trial will be the second trial in history designed to disprove virology and demonstrate the lack of real science behind it.


Marvin Haberland is an engineer and he comes from Germany. As a result of a tragedy in his family, he decided to investigate the subject of medicine. This investigation led him to virology, and he eventually discovered that the foundations of virology were based on anti-scientific misconceptions. After realizing this, Marvin decided to act. Our conversation today will focus on his upcoming trial in Germany on April 26, 2023, in Hamburg.

All the links mentioned in this video, including Marvin's letter to the court with his freedom of information request, can be found here.


#novirus #trial #law #virology #MarvinHaberland
1.1K views20:32
2023-04-22 07:39:46 “Globally, the United Nations are currently puppeteering their regional figureheads to recognise Native Titles, Treaties, and in Australia’s instance, a constitutionally enshrined ‘Voice to Parliament.’ However, it is all a grand deception to seize our vast natural resources and land: agricultural lands, forests, oceans, coastlines, nature reserves, metals (lithium), minerals (uranium), and waterways. Indeed, such humanitarian policies are not motivated by any sincere endeavour to address the plight of the Indigenous. All that has been propagandised and presented beneath the banners of “virtue” and “atonement” will only benefit a shadowy Cabal of oligarchical billionaires. Canadian, US and New Zealand territory is similarly being targeted by the Globalists…”
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