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Последние сообщения 2

2022-07-21 15:00:03
Humanity will face mass starvation, political destabilization, and uncontrolled migration if no measures are taken to solve the food crisis, the UN World Food Program said in a statement.

Those who are food insecure have risen from 135 million in 2019 to 345 million. 50 million people in 45 countries live on the brink of starvation. The UN says it would take $22.2 billion to feed 152 million people.
1.6K views12:00
2022-07-21 10:00:03
The tense situation in Panama on the 16th day of the general strike against the cost of living.

The road blockade continues after an agreement with the government to lift the blockades in exchange for lower fuel prices, which the protestor base deemed insufficient.
1.5K views07:00
2022-07-20 19:50:00
The Israeli air force struck a Hamas military site in Gaza after four rockets were launched from the enclave overnight.
1.5K views16:50
2022-07-20 15:00:03
In the USA, a man went swimming in a lake where he contracted a brain-eating amoeba and died.

A Missouri man was diagnosed with an infection from the life-threatening amoeba Naegleria fowleri after swimming at a local beach.

This microscopic single-celled amoeba can cause a rare brain infection called Primary Amoebic Meningoencephalitis. Lethality from such an infection is guaranteed.

Water with Naegleria fowleri enters the human body through the nose or mouth and then rises to the brain, where it destroys brain tissue.
1.5K views12:00
2022-07-20 10:00:03
The UN Secretary General urged Russia and Ukraine to immediately return the food and fertilizers to world markets and keep global trade open, TASS reported.
1.5K views07:00
2022-06-24 10:00:03
Ukraine and Moldova have both been granted EU candidate status, President of the European Council Charles Michel has announced.

The EU summit has expedited their applications.
151 views07:00
2022-06-23 19:50:00
Big mobilization yesterday in Quito on the ninth day of a general strike against high prices and the government in Ecuador.

In Puyo, south of the capital, protesters set fire to a police station and a bank after the death of a protester.
624 views16:50
2022-06-23 15:00:03
In Afghanistan a powerful earthquake occurred in Paktika province in the southeast of the country.

The number of victims is already more than 1 thousand people, more than 1.5 thousand were injured.
255 views12:00
2022-06-23 10:00:05
Eighth day of general strike in Ecuador against rising prices and the government.

Thousands of indigenous people are currently heading to Quito, the capital.

Roadblocks and protests continue throughout the country.
478 views07:00
2022-06-22 19:50:00
Fox News host accused Biden of molesting his daughter. Biden's daughter's diary ripped through the media. In the book, she writes that she "took baths with Daddy".

"I've always been turned on by boys. Hyper-obsessed from a young age. I remember that part of it started with [a family member]. I remember having sex with friends in my early teens, taking baths with my dad, which is probably not a good thing", — Ashley's January 30, 2019 entry attests.
75 views16:50