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Weekend is coming! Вот 5 #idioms, чтобы свободно обсуждать вы | LinguaTrip

Weekend is coming!

Вот 5 #idioms, чтобы свободно обсуждать выходные на английском.

Have a blast — повеселиться, оттянуться по полной.
Definition: Have a great time or enjoy yourself to the fullest.
Example: We had a blast at the beach this weekend.

Hit the town — провести время в центре города.
Definition: Spend time out and about in a city or town, usually for social or entertainment purposes.
Example: Let's hit the town and check out some new restaurants.

Kick back — ничего не делать, расслабиться, отдыхать.
Definition: Relax and do nothing, especially after a long week of work or activity.
Example: I'm planning to kick back and watch some movies this weekend.

Live it up — наслаждаться жизнью, веселиться;
Definition: Enjoy life to the fullest and make the most of every moment.
Example: We're going to live it up and go to a fancy restaurant tonight.

Unwind — развеяться, снять напряжение.
Definition: Relax and de-stress, often through physical or mental activities.
Example: I like to unwind after a long day by doing yoga or taking a hot bath.

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