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Первая пачка докладов с конференции MLREPA 2021!!! Доклады н | LeanDS

Первая пачка докладов с конференции MLREPA 2021!!!

Доклады на английском . Первый трек — менеджерский, второй инженерный. Доклады выложили на отдельном англоязычном канале для простоты нерусскоязычных слушателей.


What is the Maturity Model in Data science?
Yuliya Rubtsova

AI development process: Common mistakes
Kseniia Melnikova

The 3 components your “Agile AI” product development stack should include
Ashley Beattie

Structuring machine learning projects
Yerzat Marat , Knowtions Research, Project manager


DVC: data versioning and ML experiments on top of Git
Dmitry Petrov, Creator of DVC, Co-founder & CEO @ Iterative.ai

Eliminate technical debt with iterative ML pipelines
Hamza Tahir, ZenML, Co-creator

How to create your MLOps environment following best practices
MOHAMED SABRI, Data Science and MLOps specialist

Moving from prototype to production
Alexander Mokryak, ML Engineer @ Exness

Reducing the distance between Prototyping and Production
Soumanta Das

Building ML Pipelines with Dagster: The role of the orchestrator in machine learning
Sandy Ryza

Workflow & MLOps for batch scoring applications with DVC, MLflow and Airflow
Mikhail Rozhkov