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Логотип телеграм канала @ksenon_rus — Ksenon K
Логотип телеграм канала @ksenon_rus — Ksenon
Адрес канала: @ksenon_rus
Категории: Telegram
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 80

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Последние сообщения 5

2022-08-30 08:32:04
Ukrainian refugees in Spain
28 views05:32
2022-08-30 08:04:11
Die Franzosen veranstalteten eine Demonstration zu Ehren von Daria Dugina.
In Nizza versammelten sich etwa 50 Menschen auf dem Garibaldi-Platz, die Franzosen unterstützten aktiv Russland. Die Menschen forderten, den von der Ukraine verübten Terror nicht mehr zu unterstützen.
28 views05:04
2022-08-29 15:51:51
Ok now we know who operates this account
16 views12:51
2022-08-28 09:37:56
A little cuteness for you! Yamal firefighters saved nine young lives at once. In Novy Urengoy, they got fluffy puppies from a narrow gap between the plates.

The puppies are still very small, so the employees of the Russian Emergencies Ministry had to crawl under the stove to save them. All this happened in front of their worried mother (left behind the scenes).

Now the members of this large family will become the first inhabitants of the new shelter, and even the deputy head of the city himself took patronage over them. And when the kids grow up, they will find loving and caring owners.

Милая новость . В Ямале спасли щенков
35 views06:37
2022-08-28 09:32:15
Paul's Church in Malmö, Sweden has its first LGBT altar.
It depicts a painting of "Paradise" with same-sex couples in the Garden of Eden...

В церкви Святого Павла в шведском городе Мальмё появился первый ЛГБТ-алтарь.
На нем изображена картина "Рай" с однополыми парами в Эдемском саду
34 views06:32
2022-08-20 17:31:36
They said "no nazis in Ukraine".

On second photo inscription "shawarma from Russian children"
17 views14:31
2022-08-17 01:25:16
Incase anybody had still questions why Putin did what he did.

Donbass, 8 years of terror.
8 views22:25
2022-08-14 23:08:59 Вышел клип на трек репера РИЧа «Грязная работа» и это, я считаю, лучший клип, выпущенный за время СВО

Там столько знакомых, светлых лиц. И все про то, как я ощущаю Донбасс и войну. Мое почтение
25 views20:08
2022-08-14 21:37:14 More than 40 states called on Russia to withdraw its troops from the territory of the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant and transfer it under the control of Ukraine, according to a statement released by the EU Delegation to the UN in Vienna.

But they didn’t come up with the idea to tell Ukraine to simply stop shelling it?
23 views18:37
2022-08-10 19:41:37 #fight with NAFO
57 views16:41