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Логотип телеграм канала @kbtucareer — ЦЕНТР КАРЬЕРЫ КБТУ Ц
Логотип телеграм канала @kbtucareer — ЦЕНТР КАРЬЕРЫ КБТУ
Адрес канала: @kbtucareer
Категории: Карьера
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 3.56K
Описание канала:

Канал создан Центром Карьеры КБТУ для информирования студентов и выпускников КБТУ о вакансиях, стажировках и практике.

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2022-08-24 08:25:59 Добрый день!

Открыты вакансии ассистентов аудитора и бухгалтеров в департаменты аудита и бухгалтерского учета в компанию Mazars.

Mazars – международная и интегрированная компания, оказывающая услуги в сфере аудита, бухгалтерского учета, налогов и консалтинга. Входит в топ 20 крупнейших аудиторских сетей в мире. На данный момент есть 91 филиалов и 400+ офисов по всему миру. Компания была основана в 1945 году, штаб-квартира находится в Париже.


- Конкурентная заработная плата
- Увеличенный отпуск - 35 календарных дней (стандартно 24 календарных дней)
- Оплачиваем ACCA, CAP, CFA Python, SQL экзамены Сверхурочные часы накапливаются и конвертируются в оплачиваемые days off
- Конкурентная заработная плата
- Ежегодная оценка сотрудника, где пересматривается должность и заработная плата
- Семейная корпоративная культура
- Возможность релокации в филиалы других стран
- Медицинская страховка и официальное трудоустройство
- Тимбилдинги
- Тренинги для общего развития сотрудника
- Опыт в консалтинге, который сделает вас ценным сотрудником на рынке труда


- Аналитический склад ума
- Быть обучаемым
- Желание расти и развиваться
- Уверенный пользователь ПК
- Деловая этика
- Знание английского языка (желательно)
- Внимательность

Если вы заинтересованы вакансией резюме отправлять на почту liana.abisheva@mazars.ru.
776 viewsБалауса , 05:25
2022-08-23 07:20:57 key investors, private equity, limited partners, venture capital, and family offices.

About company:

mktBI - a London-based startup that created a software platform that helps corporate decision-makers access high-quality strategic and competitive information in a visual and interactive web-browser-based interface.

Apply here: https://bit.ly/3R2QNos

*Research and selection for the vacancy is carried out by Grintern

5.Vacancy:OOD Holdings : Junior Project Manager (Remote).

What you will do:

● Assist your managers with projects - check that processes run smoothly and teams meet the deadlines. Make sure internal teams’ progress is on track, the creative and the partnerships departments collaborate in a timely manner, all the information to launch a product is collected from a client, etc.
● Schedule meetings for different teams - many calls may happen at the same time, so you’ll have to be careful with creating new meetings and shifting existing appointments in the calendars.
● Write follow-up emails and reminders - some team members have various calendars, so you’ll need to make sure everyone received the call invitation and would participate in a meeting.
● Schedule meetings for your managers with potential clients and partners from different industries.
● Conduct research on media, arts, sports, music industries and gather information about collectibles, trends, prices, and etc.
● Help with other possible administrative tasks.

About company:

OOD Holdings allows people to buy and sell artwork, memorabilia, and other physical objects from culture makers in an authenticated, story-driven, blockchain-enabled marketplace.

Users are able to buy physical collectibles from the vaults of culture makers in music, sports, art, and media, bid on authentic collectibles straight from the source, connect with the community of creators and collectors, and resell authenticated items on the marketplace.

Apply here: https://bit.ly/3PEY6So

*Research and selection for the vacancy is carried out by Grintern

6.Vacancy: Ignition: Junior Front-end Developer (Remote).

What you will do:

● Front-end development tasks, working on the Ignition product from day one.
● Build robust, well-tested services and features using technologies like React, Node.js, Next.js, JavaScript, GraphQL, PostgreSQL, and AWS.
● Have the unlimited opportunity for taking ownership of features and areas with increasing scope, and for technical and leadership growth.
● Advocate for modern engineering best practices, and use metrics to measure change.
● And many other possible tasks.

About company:

Ignition is a fully remote technology company and the first system of record for Go-to-Market – a collaborative hub for Marketing and Product teams to plan, execute, and measure the GTM side launching.

Launches are a mess at every company because they’re mostly still solved through spreadsheets and humans. Solving this problem is a multi-billion dollar opportunity. Ignition gives teams a single source of truth for every critical piece of GTM information, and mostly-automated workflows built around the best practices for every launch planning action from pricing research or internal comms.

Apply here: https://bit.ly/3AcGlE8

*Research and selection for the vacancy is carried out by Grintern
990 viewsTokhtakhunov, 04:20
2022-08-23 07:20:57 1.Vacancy: TraceAir : Personal & Business Assistant (Remote).

What you will do:

Personal tasks include:

● Nikita loves to travel, so he needs help with managing visa documents, booking flights and hotels, renting cars, getting high-quality service at lower rates, etc.
● Organizing work expenses - for example, Nikita will send you checks, and your task is to add the information to a spreadsheet.
● Organizing Nikita’s schedule - manage meetings and calls, both personal and working calendars.
● Researching information on different events Nikita is interested in and would like to attend, on topics, news, etc.
● Assisting in other possible tasks and projects.

Work-related assignments may include:

● Scheduling meetings for Nikita with partners, potential clients, etc., writing business emails and follow-ups.
● Helping Nikita with sourcing new candidates to join teams for his projects.
● Creating a simple landing page for his projects.

About company:

Nikita Ushakov is a co-founder and Head of Marketing at TraceAir, a US-based company producing software solution that helps construction teams better communicate and collaborate in order to monitor, track quantities, plan and manage jobsites.

Apply here: https://bit.ly/3AFVuzu

*Research and selection for the vacancy is carried out by Grintern

2.Vacancy: Guestio : Jr. Operations Assistant (Remote).

What you will do:

● Managing the calendar of the team members (Founder's, Content Manager's and the Head of Operations') - you'll be responsible for scheduling, checking the correctness of appointments, etc.
● Managing the inbox of the management (Founder's, the Head of Operations' and Customer Support's email of the company).
● Coordinating travel arrangements for the team members.
● Planning events for the company - you'll be coordinating with the Marketing team on planning webinars, live events, dinners, conferences, etc.
● Doing research on the venues for events or other topics.
● Working with billing, invoicing, contracts.

About company:

Guestio streamlines the booking process to eliminate hassles and headaches. No more endless email chains or frustrating tech stacks. Now you can find, book, and communicate with top guests and show hosts all inside one easy-to-use platform.

Apply here: https://bit.ly/3AEDzZW

*Research and selection for the vacancy is carried out by Grintern

3.Vacancy: OSOME: Junior Sales Development Representative (Remote).

What you will do:

● Qualify inbound leads (potential clients) - a lot of leads are coming through the website, so you'll be responsible for filtering the potential clients and deciding whether they're qualified or not.
● Communicate with clients via email & calls - you'll ask basic questions based on the prescribed instruction to understand the clients better.

About company:

OSOME is an online assistant that builds financial back-office solutions for eCommerce businesses (Amazon sellers, Shopify store owners, etc.). The company helps entrepreneurs and companies that have better things to do than paper by managing accounting, reporting, and other financial tasks with the help of artificial intelligence tools. Through automation, the company’s business model drives a step-change in both efficiency and customer satisfaction that leads to a high potential for growth and profitability.

Apply here: https://bit.ly/3pz8yQE

*Research and selection for the vacancy is carried out by Grintern

4.Vacancy: mktBI : Junior Analyst with a European language (Remote).

What you will do:

● Control data input coming from the company’s interfaces and ensure the information is processed correctly.
● Look for the information missing in the database and research required elements.
● Monitor different companies’ news flows.
● Leverage in-depth knowledge of specific economic sectors (e.g. valuations, key events, and players), and of specific European markets.
● Compile lists of private companies in various sectors and maintain profiles of
746 viewsTokhtakhunov, 04:20
2022-08-23 06:51:48 ТОО «ИНЖИНИРИНГОВАЯ КОМПАНИЯ «КАЗГИПРОНЕФТЕТРАНС» приглашает желающих пройти практику в Отдел по инновациям и маркетингу.

Мы предоставляем возможность получить бесценный опыт и приобрести необходимые навыки.
В нашей Компании всегда рады энергичным, целеустремленным и коммуникабельным кандидатам!

- Подготавливать презентации;
- Осуществлять деловую переписку;
- Формировать электронную базу визитных карточек.

- Опыт работы не требуется;
- Знание Microsoft Office;
- Личные качества: доброжелательность, коммуникабельность, приветливость, быстро обучаемость, ответственность;
- Желание развиваться.

- График с 8:00 - 12:00, 5/2;
- Длительность практики от 1 до 3 месяцев;
- Наличие наставника на весь период практики;
- Предоставляются все необходимые документы, подтверждающие прохождение практики в компании;
- Дружная команда.

Ждём резюме по адресу: job@kgnt.kz
1.0K viewsБалауса , 03:51
2022-08-23 06:50:56 Страничка нашего холдинга в Инстаграм:
926 viewsБалауса , 03:50
2022-08-23 06:50:32
Привет, ребята!
На связи ChocoFamily!
Да-да, тот самый крупнейший IT-холдинг со званием лучшего работодателя в Центральной Азии:)

Сейчас мы в поисках менеджеров службы заботы в проект CHOCOFOOD!

Нам нужен именно ты, если:
• Ты грамотно говоришь и пишешь на русском и казахском языках;
• Легко находишь решение в стрессовых ситуациях;
• Умеешь брать ответственность за свои действия;
• Ты активный человек, который горит стремлением непрерывно развиваться.

Что ты будешь делать?
• Консультировать пользователей/партнёров/курьеров по телефону и во внутреннем чате приложения;
• Вести переговоры с партнёрами и пользователями;
• Самостоятельно находить решение вопросов, с которыми они могут обратиться.

Считаешь, мы с тобой отлично сработаемся?
Тогда скорее пиши: +77477755524
932 viewsБалауса , 03:50
2022-08-23 06:36:44 key investors, private equity, limited partners, venture capital, and family offices.

About company:

mktBI - a London-based startup that created a software platform that helps corporate decision-makers access high-quality strategic and competitive information in a visual and interactive web-browser-based interface.

Apply here: https://bit.ly/3R2QNos

*Research and selection for the vacancy is carried out by Grintern

5.Vacancy:OOD Holdings : Junior Project Manager (Remote).

What you will do:

● Assist your managers with projects - check that processes run smoothly and teams meet the deadlines. Make sure internal teams’ progress is on track, the creative and the partnerships departments collaborate in a timely manner, all the information to launch a product is collected from a client, etc.
● Schedule meetings for different teams - many calls may happen at the same time, so you’ll have to be careful with creating new meetings and shifting existing appointments in the calendars.
● Write follow-up emails and reminders - some team members have various calendars, so you’ll need to make sure everyone received the call invitation and would participate in a meeting.
● Schedule meetings for your managers with potential clients and partners from different industries.
● Conduct research on media, arts, sports, music industries and gather information about collectibles, trends, prices, and etc.
● Help with other possible administrative tasks.

About company:

OOD Holdings allows people to buy and sell artwork, memorabilia, and other physical objects from culture makers in an authenticated, story-driven, blockchain-enabled marketplace.

Users are able to buy physical collectibles from the vaults of culture makers in music, sports, art, and media, bid on authentic collectibles straight from the source, connect with the community of creators and collectors, and resell authenticated items on the marketplace.

Apply here: https://bit.ly/3PEY6So

*Research and selection for the vacancy is carried out by Grintern

6.Vacancy: Ignition: Junior Front-end Developer (Remote).

What you will do:

● Front-end development tasks, working on the Ignition product from day one.
● Build robust, well-tested services and features using technologies like React, Node.js, Next.js, JavaScript, GraphQL, PostgreSQL, and AWS.
● Have the unlimited opportunity for taking ownership of features and areas with increasing scope, and for technical and leadership growth.
● Advocate for modern engineering best practices, and use metrics to measure change.
● And many other possible tasks.

About company:

Ignition is a fully remote technology company and the first system of record for Go-to-Market – a collaborative hub for Marketing and Product teams to plan, execute, and measure the GTM side launching.

Launches are a mess at every company because they’re mostly still solved through spreadsheets and humans. Solving this problem is a multi-billion dollar opportunity. Ignition gives teams a single source of truth for every critical piece of GTM information, and mostly-automated workflows built around the best practices for every launch planning action from pricing research or internal comms.

Apply here: https://bit.ly/3AcGlE8

*Research and selection for the vacancy is carried out by Grintern
672 viewsTokhtakhunov, 03:36
2022-08-23 06:36:44 1.Vacancy: TraceAir : Personal & Business Assistant (Remote).

What you will do:

Personal tasks include:

● Nikita loves to travel, so he needs help with managing visa documents, booking flights and hotels, renting cars, getting high-quality service at lower rates, etc.
● Organizing work expenses - for example, Nikita will send you checks, and your task is to add the information to a spreadsheet.
● Organizing Nikita’s schedule - manage meetings and calls, both personal and working calendars.
● Researching information on different events Nikita is interested in and would like to attend, on topics, news, etc.
● Assisting in other possible tasks and projects.

Work-related assignments may include:

● Scheduling meetings for Nikita with partners, potential clients, etc., writing business emails and follow-ups.
● Helping Nikita with sourcing new candidates to join teams for his projects.
● Creating a simple landing page for his projects.

About company:

Nikita Ushakov is a co-founder and Head of Marketing at TraceAir, a US-based company producing software solution that helps construction teams better communicate and collaborate in order to monitor, track quantities, plan and manage jobsites.

Apply here: https://bit.ly/3AFVuzu

*Research and selection for the vacancy is carried out by Grintern

2.Vacancy: Guestio : Jr. Operations Assistant (Remote).

What you will do:

● Managing the calendar of the team members (Founder's, Content Manager's and the Head of Operations') - you'll be responsible for scheduling, checking the correctness of appointments, etc.
● Managing the inbox of the management (Founder's, the Head of Operations' and Customer Support's email of the company).
● Coordinating travel arrangements for the team members.
● Planning events for the company - you'll be coordinating with the Marketing team on planning webinars, live events, dinners, conferences, etc.
● Doing research on the venues for events or other topics.
● Working with billing, invoicing, contracts.

About company:

Guestio streamlines the booking process to eliminate hassles and headaches. No more endless email chains or frustrating tech stacks. Now you can find, book, and communicate with top guests and show hosts all inside one easy-to-use platform.

Apply here: https://bit.ly/3AEDzZW

*Research and selection for the vacancy is carried out by Grintern

3.Vacancy: OSOME: Junior Sales Development Representative (Remote).

What you will do:

● Qualify inbound leads (potential clients) - a lot of leads are coming through the website, so you'll be responsible for filtering the potential clients and deciding whether they're qualified or not.
● Communicate with clients via email & calls - you'll ask basic questions based on the prescribed instruction to understand the clients better.

About company:

OSOME is an online assistant that builds financial back-office solutions for eCommerce businesses (Amazon sellers, Shopify store owners, etc.). The company helps entrepreneurs and companies that have better things to do than paper by managing accounting, reporting, and other financial tasks with the help of artificial intelligence tools. Through automation, the company’s business model drives a step-change in both efficiency and customer satisfaction that leads to a high potential for growth and profitability.

Apply here: https://bit.ly/3pz8yQE

*Research and selection for the vacancy is carried out by Grintern

4.Vacancy: mktBI : Junior Analyst with a European language (Remote).

What you will do:

● Control data input coming from the company’s interfaces and ensure the information is processed correctly.
● Look for the information missing in the database and research required elements.
● Monitor different companies’ news flows.
● Leverage in-depth knowledge of specific economic sectors (e.g. valuations, key events, and players), and of specific European markets.
● Compile lists of private companies in various sectors and maintain profiles of
665 viewsTokhtakhunov, 03:36
2022-06-23 06:45:00 АО «КазТрансОйл» — АО «КазТрансОйл» - национальный оператор Республики Казахстан по магистральному нефтепроводу. Входит в группу АО НК «КазМунайГаз».

В компании "КазТрансОйл" для студентов КБТУ, специальностей: " Нефтегазовое дело", "Химическая технология органических веществ" и "Автоматизация и Управление", открыты позиции на летнюю оплачиваемую практику вахтовым методом:

С УКАЗАННЫМ МЕСТОМ ПРОХОЖДЕНИЯ ПРАКТИКИ (см. ниже) резюме отправлять на почту career@kbtu.kz

1. - Наименование ОСП: Восточное управление операторских услуг;
- Кол-во практикантов: 4 студента;
- Место прохождения: Жетысуская область, Алакольский район, НПС №11;
- Стипендия: 100 000 тг.
- Условия: в г.Ушарал от 11 км, автобус забирает в 8 утра, 8:00-18-00.

2. - Наименование ОСП: Восточное управление операторских услуг;
- Кол-во практикантов: 2 студента;
- Место прохождения: Улытауская область, Улытауский район, ЛЭУ "Кумколь";
- Стипендия: 100 000 тг.
- Условия: Вахтовый метод работы 15 дней, (закрытый поселок); от города Кызылорда 200 км, от города Жезказган 300 км.

3. - Наименование ОСП: Восточное управление операторских услуг;
- Кол-во практикантов: 2 студента;
- Место прохождения: Улытауская область, Улытауский район, ЛЭУ "Кумколь";
- Стипендия: 100 000 тг.
- Условия: Вахтовый метод работы 15 дней, (закрытый поселок); от города Кызылорда 200 км, от города Жезказган 300 км.

4. - Наименование ОСП: Восточное управление операторских услуг;
- Кол-во практикантов: 2 студента;
- Место прохождения: Карагандинская область, Актогайский район НПС №9;
- Стипендия: 100 000 тг.
- Условия: Вахтовый метод работы 15 дней (от города Балкаш 171 км)

5. - Наименование ОСП: Карагандинское нефтепроводное управление;
- Кол-во практикантов: 9 студентов;
- Место прохождения: г.Караганда, п.Атасу, Карагандинская область;
- Стипендия: 100 000 тг.

6. - Наименование ОСП: Актюбинское нефтепроводное управление;
- Кол-во практикантов: 6 студентов;
- Место прохождения: ГНПС Кенкияк, ГНПС Алибекмола, промбаза г.Актобе;
- Стипендия: 120 000 тг.

7. - Наименование ОСП: Кульсаринское нефтепроводное управление;
- Кол-во практикантов: 17 студентов;
- Место прохождения: Атырауская обл., Жылыойский р-н, г. Кульсары, Промзона;
- Стипендия: 120 000 тг.;
- Условия: 08:00-17:30, автобус забирает с остановки по обозначенному маршруту.

С УКАЗАННЫМ МЕСТОМ ПРОХОЖДЕНИЯ ПРАКТИКИ (см. выше) резюме отправлять на почту career@kbtu.kz
927 viewsAisha A, edited  03:45
2022-06-22 09:23:43 Сегодня в рамках отбора на практику компанией «AVC Group» в 18:00 будет направлена тема эссе в телеграмм канал Центра карьеры, на написание которого будет один час, в связи с чем просим предоставить эссе,+ резюме на эл.адрес: career@kbtu.kz сегодня до 19:20, с указанием завода в котором планируете пройти практику!

Группа Компаний «AVC Group» работает в нефтегазовой отрасли РК с 2013 года предоставляя высококачественные услуги и комплексные решения в области закупок, логистики и инжиниринга. «AVC Group» - динамично развивающаяся компания, с высококвалифицированной командой профессионалов, разрабатывает новые направления деятельности и расширяет деятельность в разных частях мира.

"AVC Group" в активном поиске студентов на производственную практику на заводах АНПЗ и ПНХЗ во время останова завода.

- Практика на ПНХЗ середина июля/Практика на АНПЗ середина августа.
- Количество участников ПНХЗ (4 студента), АНПЗ ( 4 студента). (В общем на каждый завод 2 студента с отдела автоматизации и 2 студента с отдела промышленной аналитики).
- Практика не оплачиваемая, только возмещение/покрытие расходов на перелет, проживание и питание. Суточные в размере 5000 тг.
- Предварительный период практики 2 недели (1 неделя в офисе - ознакомительная; 1 неделя на заводе - практическая).
1.2K viewsAisha A, 06:23