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Fan-throated lizard fight The reason why you’ve never seen th | Живтоне/Animolz

Fan-throated lizard fight

The reason why you’ve never seen this specie before is that it was discovered quite recently. This specie is called fan-throated lizard (Sarada Darwini). One new genus and five new species of fan-throated lizards have been found in the drier parts of India.

Fan-throated lizards are small ground dwellers. The males flaunt a multihued, fan-shaped fold of skin on their throats during the breeding season.

They run on their back legs to go faster and have better vision of their surrounding.

A male fan-throated lizard will use his dewlap to woo a would-be partner by puffing it into a fan. Females don’t have this dewlap under their throat. When displaying, males climb to higher ground – like a boulder or tree branch – then arch their backs upwards and stretch out the fan.