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#resume #frontend #react #remote #office Frontend developer W | JavaScript Jobs — вакансии и резюме

#resume #frontend #react #remote #office

Frontend developer
Work format: remote | office
Employment: Full time
Salary expectations: 1200$
Experience: commercial-development: 1 year

2+ years: React, React-hooks, React-hook-form,
Next, Redux, Redux-Toolkit, Redux-Thunk, Redux-saga, RTK

Some experience: Node, Express, Json-server, Json-server-auth, Firebase, RESTful APIs, Ajax Qs, Https, Parcel, Webpack, WebSockets, Moment.js, Swiper, Slick, SVG animation, CSS transitions, GSAP, TypeScript, Git

UI: Bootstrap, Vuetify, Quasar, Antdesign, Tailwind, Materialize

Results of the work:
- development of the mobile and desktop version of the website "react + css(modules)";
- development of the logic and functionality of the React-hooks Redux website;
-development of optimization of the principles of building highly loaded systems (react + next)
- integration of external and internal API query services for building a user interface (ajax, axios, redux-saga);
- participation in the redesign of the site;
- completing tasks faster than the set deadlines;
- bug fixes, which significantly increased the company's revenue;

- Telegram: @Dugger