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Janek Gwizdala

Логотип телеграм канала @janekgwizdala — Janek Gwizdala J
Логотип телеграм канала @janekgwizdala — Janek Gwizdala
Адрес канала: @janekgwizdala
Категории: Без категории
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 753
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Последние сообщения 2

2022-05-16 05:53:00
I know a bunch of people in the channel have already watched the movie at Vimeo. I'm very curious to hear feedback about that user experience as this is my first time using them for anything like this.

I'm really looking forward to making use of the 'bonuses' feature they offer by uploading outtakes, and other clips that didn't make it into the final cut of the film.

If anyone wants to weigh in on it, please feel free to let it rip here.

1.2K views02:53
2022-05-14 16:45:14
Less than 24hrs to go. And if you pre ordered the album and are curious about how the new plan of releasing the music worked out, I made a video about it breaking down all the numbers:

929 views13:45
2022-05-10 22:01:12

Hear from our man in charge of the control room on the album, Juan Pablo Alcaro.

We go back a really long way, some 25 years, from our time at Berklee. We then lived in NYC at the same time and worked on something like 40 records together. Me as producer and bass player, and him as recording and mixing engineer. He also mixed my debut album "Mystery to Me" in 2004.
1.1K views19:01
2022-05-10 03:22:51
I have been super queit in the channel as the past few weeks have been rather hectic getting things ready for the album launch.

I'm starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel now which is a big weight being lifted off my shoulders. And it's the fun part of the post-production! Figuring out song titles and which order they're going to be in etc.

As I've mentioned a few times before recently, I'm not going to be releasing this music through any modern "conventional" outlets, and it'll just be available at my website come May 15th.

And because the people, the die hard music fans, who listen to an album in its entirety when it comes out are the same ones that pre-ordered it, I'm going to be releasing the album in 4 3-song parts once the pre-sale is over.

If you are that die-hard album fan, get it now before May 15th at https://janekgwizdala.com/ or experience it in 4 EPs over 4 months.

Would love some feedback on this idea, and to hear what people think of the concept.

More soon!
883 viewsedited  00:22
2022-05-08 09:31:13

only a week away now!
800 views06:31
2022-04-24 19:43:39 New direction with pedalboard videos today:

Going long-form with narration. Hope you dig it!
1.2K views16:43
2022-04-17 07:18:54

Breaking down the numbers from the sessions in Spain
1.3K views04:18
2022-04-12 02:04:20 And we're back with a new episode of the podcast!

1.4K views23:04
2022-04-11 21:17:32 And it's not all flat-out, head-up-my-own-ass, movie and album editing...

I'm still finding a little time to work on music with my instrument. Especially as I have a few "regular" gigs coming up in town that I need to be in good shape for. You might not think that working on Oud technique with a Risha is solid prep for a Chad Wackerman band gig... but it really helps open up my range, and gives me something unique to contribute to the music.

1.1K views18:17
2022-04-10 20:45:49 Having a blast working on the video footage for the album promos and documentary.

Still unmixed audio which I'm so happy about. The fact that it only gets better than this for the final product really makes me proud of the job the guys did in the studio.

With all the moving parts and potential for disaster at basically every turn, I couldn't be more psyched with the results we got in just a few days together.

The mood was super relaxed, and everyone was in incredible spirits which I think really comes through in the performances.

More soon!

1.0K views17:45