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2021-11-11 12:21:57 ​​ The Definitive Guide to Modern Java Clients with JavaFX 17

Stephen Chin, Johan Vos and James Weaver (2021)

Build enhanced visual experiences and design and deploy modern, easy-to-maintain, client applications across a variety of platforms. This book will show you how these applications can take advantage of JavaFX’s latest user interface components, 3D technology, and cloud services to create immersive visualizations and allow high-value data manipulation. The Definitive Guide to Modern Java Clients with JavaFX 17 is a professional reference for building Java applications for desktop, mobile, and embedded in the Cloud age. It offers end-to-end coverage of the latest features in JavaFX 17 and Java 17. Among the many new or updated JavaFX features covered are the FX Robot API, for simulating user interaction; customized step repeat timing for the Spinner control; Marlin FX; the ColorPicker color palette; and the GetCenter method. After reading this book, you will be equipped to upgrade legacy client applications, develop cross-platform applications in Java, and build enhanced desktop and mobile native clients. What You Will Learn: Create modern client applications in Java using the latest JavaFX 17 and Java 17 LTS Build enterprise clients that will enable integration with existing cloud services Use advanced visualization and 3D features Deploy on desktop, mobile, and embedded devices Who This Book Is For: Professional Java developers who are interested in learning the latest client Java development techniques to fill out their skills set.


1.9K views09:21
2021-11-10 16:00:24 Стань частью команды цифровых кочевников SDVentures

С 26 по 28 ноября пройдёт SDV Digital Nomad Hiring Weekend от Social Discovery Ventures, на котором соберутся frontend-разработчики России, Украины и Беларуси для решения реальных задач от крупнейшей мировой компании в сфере social discovery. Общий призовой фонд хакатона: 30 000$. Главный приз Digital Nomad Award - возможность стать настоящим цифровым кочевником, работая в локации мечты.

Какие будут задачи:

- Создать приложение для P2P звонков с адаптивным качеством.
- Создать приложение с возможностью использования масок для видеозвонков. Участники могут использовать любые open source ML-библиотеки.
Для реализации приложений возможно использование технологий: Kotlin, Swift или React Native.

Для кого:

На SDV Digital Nomad Hiring Week приглашаются frontend-разработчики, готовые к амбициозным задачам.
- Призовой фонд в размере 30 000$
- Оффер за 2 дня и работа в локации мечты (Занзибар, Шри Ланка, Греция, Турция, Испания) с призом и набором для адаптации Digital Nomad Setup (Toughbook, доска для серфа, VR очки).
- Digital Nomad Setup и крутой мерч
- Менторская поддержка от лучших экспертов, членов жюри, в числе которых Валерий Шибанов, Fullstack-разработчик Mail.ru Group, Александр Бальцевич, основатель YouTube-канала «АйТи Синяк», Дмитрий Волков, основатель SDVentures.

Хочешь участвовать? Успей зарегистрироваться до 24 ноября: https://bit.ly/3mCHHCH?utm_source=telegram&utm_medium=messenger&utm_campaign=itlibrary
2.1K views13:00
2021-11-09 19:35:29 ​​ UIKit Apprentice (Second Edition): Beginning iOS Development with Swift

Tutorial Team, raywenderlich, Farook, Fahim, Hollemans, Matthijs (2021)

Learn iPhone and iPad Programming via Tutorials!If you're new to iOS or Swift, or to programming in general, learning how to write an app can seem incredibly overwhelming.That's why you need a book that:Shows you how to write an app step-by-step.Has tons of illustrations and screenshots to make everything clear.Is written in a fun and easygoing manner!In this book, you will learn how to make your own iPhone and iPad apps, through four engaging, epic-length tutorials.These hands-on tutorials describe in full detail how to build a new app from scratch. Four tutorials, four apps. Each new app will be a little more advanced than the one before, and together they cover everything you need to know to make your own apps.By the end of the series you'll be experienced enough to turn your ideas into real apps that you can sell on the App Store.Tutorial 1: Bull's Eye. In the first tutorial in the book, you'll start off by building a simple but fun game to learn the basics of iPhone programming. In the process, you'll get familiar with Xcode, UIKit and Swift in an easygoing manner.Tutorial 2: Checklists. In the second tutorial in the series, you'll create your own to-do list app. In the process, you'll learn about the fundamental design patterns that all iOS apps use and about table views, navigation controllers and delegates. Now you're making apps for real!Tutorial 3: MyLocations. In the third tutorial, you'll develop a location-aware app that lets you keep a list of spots that you find interesting. In the process, you'll learn about Core Location, Core Data, Map Kit and much more!Tutorial 4: StoreSearch. Mobile apps often need to talk to web services and that's what you'll do in this final tutorial of the book. You'll make a stylish app, which supports both Dark and Light appearances, for iPhone and iPad that lets you search for products on the iTunes store using HTTP requests and JSON.


2.3K views16:35
2021-11-07 10:23:59 ​​ Angular Testing Succinctly

Joseph D. Booth (2020)

Learn about testing Angular apps by lint checking with TSLint, ESLint, and SonarLint; unit testing with Jasmine and Karma; and end-to-end testing with Cucumber.


753 views07:23
2021-11-06 12:14:59
Топ-3 каналов для старта в мобильной разработке:

— основы разработки: @prog_point
— Java-разработка: @a_cup_of_java
— мобильная разработка: @mobi_dev
1.7K views09:14
2021-11-04 14:31:47 ​​ Java Concurrency на практике

Гетц Брайан, Пайерлс Тим (2020)

Потоки являются фундаментальной частью платформы Java. Многоядерные процессоры - это обыденная реальность, а эффективное использование параллелизма стало необходимым для создания любого высокопроизводительного приложения. Улучшенная виртуальная машина Java, поддержка высокопроизводительных классов и богатый набор строительных блоков для задач распараллеливания стали в свое время прорывом в разработке параллельных приложений. В "Java Concurrency на практике" сами создатели прорывной технологии объясняют не только принципы работы, но и рассказывают о паттернах проектирования.


2.5K views11:31
2021-11-03 17:23:38 ​​ Beginning iOS Programming with Swift and SwiftUI (iOS 15)

Simon Ng (2021)

Learn Swift, SwiftUI and iOS programming


2.4K views14:23
2021-11-01 15:35:29 ​​ Web Security for Developers: Real Threats, Practical Defense

McDonald, Malcolm (2020)

Website security made easy. This book covers the most common ways websites get hacked and how web developers can defend themselves. The world has changed. Today, every time you make a site live, you're opening it up to attack.

Web Security for Developers will teach you how your websites are vulnerable to attack and how to protect them. Each chapter breaks down a major security vulnerability and explores a real-world attack, coupled with plenty of code to show you both the vulnerability and the fix.
You'll learn how to:
• Protect against SQL injection attacks, malicious JavaScript, and cross-site request...


2.9K views12:35
2021-10-30 16:13:18 ​​ Computer Vision: A Reference Guide, 2e

Katsushi Ikeuchi (2021)

This comprehensive reference provides easy access to relevant information on all aspects of Computer Vision. An A-Z format of over 240 entries offers a diverse range of topics for those seeking entry into any aspect within the broad field of Computer Vision. Over 200 Authors from both industry and academia contributed to this volume. Each entry includes synonyms, a definition and discussion of the topic, and a robust bibliography. Extensive cross-references to other entries support efficient, user-friendly searches for immediate access to relevant information. Entries were peer-reviewed by a distinguished international advisory board, both scientifically and geographically diverse, ensuring balanced coverage. Over 3700 bibliographic references for further reading enable deeper exploration into any of the topics covered. The content of Computer Vision: A Reference Guide is expository and tutorial, making the book a practical resource for students who are considering entering the field, as well as professionals in other fields who need to access this vital information but may not have the time to work their way through an entire text on their topic of interest.


1.4K views13:13
2021-10-30 11:00:46
Хинт для программистов: есть 4 канала, где можно получать отборную инфу по конкретной теме.

Каждый найдёт что-нибудь для себя:
— мобильная разработка: @mobi_dev
— основы программирования: @prog_point
— веб-разработка: @tproger_web
— разработка на Python: @zen_of_python
1.7K views08:00