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​​ A Quick Guide to Card Games with Unity: Get Started with Ca | IT Библиотека

​​ A Quick Guide to Card Games with Unity: Get Started with Card Games in less than 60 minutes

Patrick Felicia (2021)

Why this book can help you to get started fast with Card Games and Unity

It can be intimidating to start with Unity, and while several books can provide comprehensive information, you may, like many other readers, just want to focus on a specific topic and get started fast.

This book is part of a series entitled A Quick Guide To, and does just this. In this book series, you have the opportunity to get started on a specific topic in less than 60 minutes, delving right into the information that you really need. Of course, you can, after reading this book, move-on to more comprehensive books; however, quite often, you may have little time to complete a project or to get comfortable with a topic fast.

