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2022-07-09 21:50:12 Most likely you've already heard a story about a swindler Simon Leviev and maybe even watched a movie, but I just watched it today. For those who don't know, let me tell you: I'm talking about a documentary movie "The Tinder Swindler" ("Аферист из Тиндера") that was released by Netflix in the begging of the year. This movie tells us about a guy who pretended to be the son of a real Russian-Israeli diamond magnate and showed luxury lifestyle. He used the dating application Tinder to meet girls, installed confidence by chic dates and psychological tricks (with some girls they became just friends, with another - a couple) and forced them to lend him incredible amounts of money (hundreds of thousands of dollars). The swindler told his victims fictional stories about threats from his enemies because of his business, and inability to use his bank cards due to the threat of being tracked by enemies. His victims didn't have so much money, and in the end women had a broken heart, huge debts and loans in several banks.
Firstly, I feel infinitely sorry for these women, their stories tormented my soul. Although they were a little bit naive and dreamed to find a "prince" like in Disney cartoons, I don't think that we should judge them, it could happen with any of us because the guy was well prepared. I also don't think that this guy isn't the only one trying to take advantage of people's trust, so be aware: don't send copy of your documents and information from your credit cards to unfamiliar people, think critically and don't look for a prince on a white horse.

Recommend to watch the movie

9 views18:50
2022-07-09 21:49:54
9 views18:49
2022-07-09 01:29:36
The most unusual road from an airport to a hotel we had in Venice of course. We arrived to Marco Polo airport which is located right on the coast and decided not to deny themselves the pleasure of a boat ride. But the boat from the airport to island part of Venice isn't smth surprising there, there are no cars on the island, only boats in use.
The main type of public transport here is vaporetto - kinda like river trams that runs between Venice districts and islands, usually quite cheap.
The next type of transport is the most famous one - gondola. The price of riding is incredibly high, but very romantic. We even found a place where gondolas are repaired and built ( Squero San Trovaso).
Probably every family has a boat here, usually they are little and humble, but smbd made a batboat.
Utility services, police, ambulance also move around the city by boats, even DHL has a branded boat.
The lack of cars is quite unusual for a city dweller, but makes the city much quieter and nicer.

#travels #italy #venice
13 views22:29
2022-07-07 22:52:35 Let's start the post with spoilers: Mountain Dew won in our today's blind testing and immediately left the competition, because the testing wasn't really blind and Mountain Dew has a yellow color .
7Up, Sprite and Street (by Russian manufacturer) continued to fight, and here's the results:
Appearance and color
All drinks are the same transparent and equally carbonated.
7Up has the strongest aroma of lemon than others.
All the drinks have a very similar taste, but Street is the least sweet among all. I hardly noticed the differences among them.
Street 1,5L costs 105 rubles in "Lenta" store (70 rubles with discount card).
7Up 1L costs 95 rubles in "Lenta" store (90 rubles with discount card).
Mountain Dew 1,5L costs 137 rubles in "Lenta" store (130 rubles with discount card).
Sprite 0,9L costs 90 rubles with discount card in "Zolotoy Kluchik" store.
All the sodas are almost identical and perfectly interchangeable.
If you add some Limoncello and ice cubes, you'll get a good refreshing summer cocktail .

15 viewsedited  19:52
2022-07-07 22:52:31
14 views19:52
2022-07-06 22:24:57 Here are some main ideas from yesterday's book that resonate with me:
- "The success in any business is based on a thousand small failures."
- "Growth is a gradual process. When we learn smth new, we don't move from "wrong" to "right", we move from "wrong" to "less wrong". Complete perfection isn't achieved, we are always on the way."
- "We always have an active role in what happens to us and within us. We always choose the values we live. The same event could be both good and bad, it depends on how you look at it."
- "Only you are responsible for interpreting the meaning of the event and choosing the right response."
- "We are constantly going crazy over things that don't matter and ruin our lives. The essence of self-improvement is to put right values at the forefront, worry about more right things."
- "We have to accept that life is hard and full of problems. We have to choose right values for us and accept the problems on the way. Our problems create our happiness."
- "People with strong boundaries understand that it is unreasonable to expect complete satisfaction from each other; the interlocutor's reaction depends on himself; partners don't control each other's emotions, but help to solve problems."

It's difficult to recommend to read such books to smbd, but if smth resonate with you, maybe you'll find smth interesting inside.

15 views19:24
2022-07-05 22:28:17
I'm pretty anxious in real life and often worry about everything, that's why I decided to buy a book of Mark Manson "The subtle art of not giving a fuck. A counterintuitive approach to living a good life" ("Тонкое искусство пофигизма: Парадоксальный способ жить счастливо" in Russian).
If you feel the same as me and look for a short instruction on how to be calm, this book isn't for you. I would even say that there is no information about how to be less sensitive, in my opinion this book is about how to think to live better.
The author talks about choosing the right life values, setting boundaries with other people, acceptance of failures, disadvantages and responsibility. Sometimes his ideas look quite controversial, but the author always explains his opinion and backs up with examples.

16 viewsedited  19:28
2022-07-04 23:20:22
I suddenly went on a trip to St.Petersburg this weekend again, and among other things my friend and I visited Yelagin Island.
This is a small island whose territory is almost completely occupied by Central Park of Culture and Recreation. This is a lovely place for walking, cycling, roller skating and just relaxing among nature inside the city because of abundance of trees and green lawns.
Top activities here are:
Just lying on the grass
Cycling and roller skating
Boating among little lakes
Visiting a mini-zoo for free
Visiting museums
There are food courts in the shade of trees.
As we understood in toilets you can pay only by cash (10 rubles).
Entrance ticket to the park costs 100 rubles per adult.
There is a metro station "Krestovsky island" nearby.
Highly recommended in such warm days.

#travels #russia #spb
17 views20:20