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Among the many things that should be considered when working in software testing, there are a few words that are extremely important to keep on top of, namely a Test Plan and a Test Strategy. In general, a test plan is a document that defines the scope, the objectives, the approach, and the emphasis of the testing effort of a software project in order to aid the development process. The test strategy, on the other hand, is a set of guidelines that explain test design and determine how the testing should take place. Often, these two terms are used interchangeably and misinterpreted. Hence, in order to prevent this from happening, let us take a closer look at what these terms actually mean and what the difference is between a test strategy and a test plan.

There are subtle differences between test plan and test strategy, and in this article, we’ll outline the major differences in order to help you choose which one is best for your next project.

Many people in the QA community are confused about the difference between a test plan and a test strategy, this being a very common misconception. In the above discussion, a number of aspects were discussed that differentiate the two. In light of all that we have learned so far, it is absolutely clear that both documents are immensely important and integral parts of any project, regardless of whether it is large or small. In the event that this testing process is conducted properly, the product will be of the highest quality. On the other hand, if any steps are skipped, there is a possibility that the final product will still be prone to errors and bugs. Thus, in order to make a productive use of your time, you need to possess the knowledge of how to distinguish between the two. Hopefully, the comparison between Test Plan and Test Strategy presented in this article is helpful to you.

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