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Дедлайн уже завтра Don't miss your opportunity to become a #D | ичи кең

Дедлайн уже завтра

Don't miss your opportunity to become a #DeveloperStudentClubs Lead!

Google Developer Student Club Leads are passionate leaders at their university who are dedicated to helping their peers learn and connect. These Leads may be pursuing various undergraduate or graduate university degrees but have a good foundational knowledge of software development concepts.

Google collaborates with Leads and supports them as they start and grow their on-campus community.

Deadline for Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan - May 31


- Have a minimum of one year left until graduation
- Enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program at a college or university
- Can commit to program for one year
- Passionate about creating impact in community
- Strong technical understanding of computer programming and/or software engineering
- Have experience with event planning or leading a team
- Have some connection to the local developer community
- Host an event ideally once a month, and at least every 3 months

Подробнее: https://developers.google.com/community/dsc/leads
