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BOOKS BY YOUR REQUEST 1. Solving Product Design Exercises: Que | Movies & Books in English

1. Solving Product Design Exercises: Questions & Answers
by Artiom Dashinsky
2. Straight Man
by Richard Russo
3. Attitude Is Everything
by Jeff Keller
4. Marple: Twelve New Mysteries
by Naomi Alderman and more
5. How to Talk to Anyone: 92 Little Tricks for Big Success in Relationships
by Leil Lowndes
6. The Art of War
by Sun Tzu
7. Spy the Lie: Former CIA Officers Teach You How to Detect Deception
by Philip Houston
8. Psych 101: Psychology Facts, Basics, Statistics, Tests, and More!
by Paul Kleinman
9. Letters to a Young Therapist
by Mary Pipher