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How it's made

Логотип телеграм канала @how_itis_made — How it's made H
Логотип телеграм канала @how_itis_made — How it's made
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Последние сообщения 108

2021-12-20 15:00:03
Hard work
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2021-12-20 11:00:02
Come up with a comment
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2021-12-20 09:00:02
Here's what happens if tree branches fall on power lines
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2021-12-19 20:00:01
Together we are a force
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2021-12-19 18:00:01
Floating Bridge in China

Floating bridge in China has a length of 500 meters and a width of 4.5 meters. It was built over a winding river and surrounded by lush green forests.
The bridge is located in the picturesque Shiziguan district in the city of Enshi, Hubei Province in central China.
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2021-12-19 17:00:10
Everything is not what it seems!
Zoom in! Zoom out!!
Come all the way from space to atoms and back!
Be careful!
This channel Zoom in out is addictive and relaxing!
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2021-12-19 15:00:01
Launch of the New Shepard rocket, which reached an altitude of 348,753 feet above the internationally recognized boundary of space
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2021-12-19 14:00:01
// 80% of people don't even use half the features of their gadgets!

Your gadgets can make you a cyborg - you can become faster, smarter, more productive and efficient

You just need to know what applications and services to use. To do this, we've gathered them in one channel. Also inside useful services for programmers, designers, analysts.

// Ilon Musk personally approves, and subscription gives + 200% to efficiency: @itfeatures_eng
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2021-12-19 12:00:01
Installation of a wind turbine

Wind turbines can be divided into three categories: industrial, commercial and domestic (for private use).

Industrial ones are installed by the state or large energy corporations. As a rule, they are combined into networks, resulting in a wind power plant. Previously, it was believed that they are completely eco-friendly, which is why they differ from traditional ones. However, the blades of the wind turbine are made of a polymer composite, the secondary use and processing of which are unprofitable from the point of view of costs. Now the question of processing blades is open.
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2021-12-19 10:00:01
Excavator with extended boom for dredging
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