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'Worst restoration in the history of painting.' 'Fluffy Jes | Honest historian

"Worst restoration in the history of painting."

"Fluffy Jesus" (Latin: Ecce Mono) is the result of a failed restoration. A parishioner, with the permission of the rector of the church, from 2010 to 2012 restored an early 20th-century fresco on the evangelical theme "Ecce Homo" ("Behold the man"). The result was considered by many experts to be "the worst restoration in the history of painting. The resulting image, which resembled a furry monkey, quickly became famous.

The work of the elderly parishioner was much more valuable and interesting than the original a century ago. "Furry Jesus" was called a shining example of primitivism. In the summer of 2012, the mural was fenced off and the church began to offer paid tours to it.

All attempts to return the mural to its original appearance were rejected when it was discovered that the wall with the mural had not originally been treated with special substances, which made it impossible to wipe off the top layer of paint without damaging the lower one.