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Продакт-менеджер в AboutMe Apps Локация: удаленная работа О | Hire ProProduct - Продуктовые вакансии в России и за рубежом

Продакт-менеджер в AboutMe Apps

Локация: удаленная работа
Опыт: 3 года опыта

At AboutMe Apps, we’re building a health tracker ecosystem, so every family could track the first symptoms of fever, weight loss progress or heart rate changes. Our goal is to empower every user to live healthier, longer and in a supportive environment. To meet this goal, we develop medical features as well as social ones.

Currently, we’ve got 6 apps with cross subscription and functionality. We’re looking for a product manager to create habit-forming solutions and new ways of retaining users in our ecosystem and growing business faster.

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