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Логотип телеграм канала @healthy_with_nicole — HWN H
Логотип телеграм канала @healthy_with_nicole — HWN
Адрес канала: @healthy_with_nicole
Категории: Без категории
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 19
Описание канала:

Health Freedom

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Последние сообщения

2021-11-17 02:56:34
82 views23:56
2021-11-17 02:55:39
76 views23:55
2021-11-17 02:55:25
47 views23:55
2021-11-02 04:53:47

54 views01:53
2021-10-31 22:03:20
In 1985, the year before pharmaceutical vaccine manufacturers were freed from liability, TV Show host Phil Donahue had a panel of experts on his show to discuss the risks of vaccinating.

They discuss everything from Polio and Swine Flu vaccines, to MS and other degenerative neurological and autoimmune diseases being vaccine injuries. They also discuss how medical freedom is SO important, even in the '80s!
61 views19:03
2021-10-28 01:12:12 C19 VAX REACTIONS - Home
32 views22:12
2021-10-28 01:11:47
24 views22:11
2021-10-28 01:11:09 The National Debt of the US held by the Public has gone up from about $371 Billion in 1970 to $21 Trillion today.

Population in 1970 was 205 million; today about 330 million.

Population grew 61%.
Debt held by Public grew 5,661%

It is 35 times larger than it was in 1970 on a per person basis.

It was $1,810 per American or $4,780 per worker.

Today our Debt is $63,350 per American or $167,326 per worker.

Why and how did this happen?

A corrupt, Evil Federal Reserve that has debased our currency or skimmed tens of Trillions is why!.

Right now the Nation is worth $120 Trillion. The Federal Reserve is targeting 2% inflation which is $2.4 Trillion per year or $200 billion monthly.

125 million workers goes into $200 billion EQUALS $1,600 per month per worker being skimmed.

The Federal Reserve is literally stealing $50 of savings per worker per day everyday.

Not a single Politician is Fighting to expose this blatant theft of our National Savings by banksta's

$50 per day is what is stolen from us if we continue to allow this corrupt monetary policy. This is inflation folks. How much more is your cost of living today than it was a year ago?

Support me with 1 day of what they are stealing from us or 58 days by maxing out at $2,900 or any number of days in-between.

No other candidate has exposed this fraud in a manner in which I have and will continue to expose it in until it is corrected. So help me God.

18 views22:11
2021-10-27 23:12:42 New VAERS numbers have been published.

818,042 Adverse Events
127,641 Doctor Visits
83,412 Hospitalizations
92,017 Urgent Care
26,199 Disabled
10,179 Bell's Palsy
10,304 Myocarditis
8,408 Heart Attacks
2,631 Miscarriages
17,128 Deaths

100% Safe And Effective


Follow @KanekoaTheGreat
12 views20:12
2021-10-27 21:51:16
Nail in the coffin…there is virtually nothing we have done that has altered the course of nature.

When will all the people who claim to follow the science actually start reading it!?
13 views18:51