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Логотип телеграм канала @hackgit — HackGit H
Логотип телеграм канала @hackgit — HackGit
Адрес канала: @hackgit
Категории: Софт, приложения
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 21.06K
Описание канала:

The channel was created for cybersecurity specialists.
• Offensive Security
• RedTeam
• Malware Research
• BugBounty
• etc
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Последние сообщения 12

2022-06-20 11:11:00SharpZippo

List/Read contents of Zip files (in memory and without extraction) using #Cobalt Strike's Execute-Assembly.

357 views08:11
2022-06-20 09:09:48 NlsCodeInjectionThroughRegistry

Dll injection through registry modification of NLS code page ID. It requieres administrator privileges, but it definetely works.


#inject #dll
128 views06:09
2022-06-19 23:20:27OctoPwn & OctoPwnWeb

Pentest framework running (almost) entirely in the browser via pyodide. OctoPwnWeb has been presented a41con.

How it started:
“I waited 2 years for this, rewrote impacket for this, asked cryptographers to remake algos in python for this, spent enormous time of my life to make this happen. and it's finally here this finally works and I can't find the words to express my satisfaction.” (SkelSec)

“For the record: the two crypto guys who eventually helped me in pure-python rewrite of some algos tole me to never ever use it anywhere and also they dont want to be mentioned.” (SkelSec)






Sponsor for more features:

#pentest #framework
70 views20:20
2022-06-19 17:17:00ADB WEBKIT

Access ADB On Browsers.

Live Android Application Manager:
Install Apk With Some Options Like GrantPermission And …
Revoke And Grant Apk Permission
Uninstall Apk
Run Apk
Clear Cache
Save Apk
Stop Apk

278 views14:17
2022-06-19 17:17:00 Payload-cob

Payload Automation is a collection of Python classes to serve as a bridge between Sleep and Python which can be used to help automate payload development, testing, opsec checking, and deployment with Cobalt Strike or anything else you can come up with.

Included Libraries:
Striker: A set of functions to interact with Cobalt Strike and execute functionality typically only accessible via Sleep/GUI.
Compyler: A set of functions to compile various payloads from platform or cross-platform.
Artifactor: A set of functions to inspect and review artifacts and collect and track IoCs.
Sleepy: A set of functions to help facilitate a bridge between Sleep objects and Python objects.
Detemplate: An incomplete idea of mine to automate the population of template files based on YAML configurations. Meant to be used with more complex payloads with multiple replacements and/or embedding.

273 views14:17
2022-06-19 17:17:00Scavenger

Burp extension to create target specific and tailored wordlist from #burp history.

236 views14:17
2022-06-19 17:01:53Oneliner-Bugbounty

A collection oneliner scripts for bug bounty.

243 views14:01
2022-06-19 16:16:00oncall

Developer-friendly incident response with brilliant Slack integration.

Collect and analyze alerts from multiple monitoring systems
On-call rotations based on schedules
Automatic escalations
Phone calls, SMS, Slack, Telegram notifications

248 views13:16
2022-06-19 16:16:00 OSIPs

This script scans every file from a given folder recursively, extracts every IPv4 and IPv6 address, filters out the public IP addresses and then queries these IPs against TOR relays, WhoIs service and Location service.

It outputs 4 files: a CSV file and a JSON file with all details of the IP addresses, a CSV file containing an index of every found IP address and a KML file with all the locations gathered.

Parses any number of files in a single run
Can also be run for a single input file
Extracts all unique valid IPv4 and IPv6 addresses (correctly comparing two addresses, even if they are written differently)
Collects publicly available Who Is information for all public IP addresses
Queries all public IP addresses against TOR relays
Collects geographical location information for all public IP addresses
Can be run with command line parameters in non-interactive mode for easy integration in other scripts
Can be run without parameters and the input values can be provided interactively
Allows user to select what steps to perform or exclude
Verbosely outputs information to console at every step that it performs
Exports all IP addresses details in both a CSV file and a JSON file
Exports a KML file that can be easily loaded on top of a map
Keeps an index of all found IP addresses in a separate CSV file for easy traceback

229 views13:16
2022-06-19 16:16:00mailMeta

A forensic tool to make analysis of email headers easy to aid in the quick discovery of the attacker.

mailMeta is a python based forensic tool which reads through the email headers from the email file and extracts crucial information to identify if the email is legitimate.

What are the advantages of using mailMeta?

Have you ever heared of email hacking or sophisticated email crimes where a spoofed email is sent to the victim and the victim trusts this email based on the email address which is infact fake. These email contains mallicious links which can be used to extract some information or install some malware or backdoors on your device. So, in order to avoid you from this mailMeta comes to your rescue.

Here I have added instructions on how to download the email from the file and then pass it to the mailMeta executable. It then parses the headers and informs you if the mail is genuine or not. Whenever you are suspicious about an email be sure to check it once here. It can save you in most of the scenarios. If anyone has some ideas/updates feel free to open an issue or create a pull request.

What are the information revealed by the mailMeta? mailMeta parses the following headers:

Spoofed Email detection based on the above headers
IP-Address of the sender
Service Provider used for sending the email
Data and Time

207 views13:16