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Yes, it is! ‘'#Biden is a gopot in a cap, with a cigarette.' | Гомофобия и шаверма Z

Yes, it is!

‘"#Biden is a gopot in a cap, with a cigarette."

Vitaly Milonov in the IZOLENTA live stream - about an interview with Biden, in which he said that he considers #Putin a "killer":

“Excuse me, it seems to me that all sane people in our country did not expect anything else from him. And what Biden said - he, by and large, repeated everything that he said throughout the entire election campaign. Biden, unlike even Donald Trump, is more consistent ...

It seems to me that it is difficult to communicate with a partner who is not fully predictable. Biden is predictable. Well, he's like Barack Obama - a scoundrel. With the scoundrel, it's understandable. When you walk down the street, a chuvachello comes up to you, kind of respectful. Says: "Hello, I'm sorry," and then bam - and the shovel has already pruned. A surprise! It's a shame. And Biden is a gopot in a cap, with a cigarette, gently blows on a hairdryer, well, it’s immediately clear - you need to group together.”’