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Сегодня был мастеркласс в офисе a16z от Скотта Купора, автора | 💌 Стася печатает...

Сегодня был мастеркласс в офисе a16z от Скотта Купора, автора Secrets of Sand Hill Road. Самая интересная часть про то, как выбирать фаундеров и про концепт, с которого начинался фонд founder-market fit.

Golden naggets:
“Ideas for startup must come organically”
“Founders’ most important quality is the ability to inspire, sell and convey the vision”
“Products change, people don’t”.

If founder changes his mind easily on the meeting with the VC or cannot argue importance of his idea - red flag. (Note direct quote)

My favorite quote from the book:

“Whatever the evidence, the fundamental question VCs are trying to answer is: Why back this founder against this problem set versus waiting to see who else may come along with a better organic understanding of the problem? Can I conceive of a team better equipped to address the market needs that might walk through our doors tomorrow? If the answer is no, then this is the team to back.”