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Frontend Info

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Последние сообщения 9

2022-04-24 11:15:40 Tricks to Cut Corners Using CSS Mask and Clip-Path Properties

https://css-tricks.com/cut-corners-using-css-mask-and-clip-path-properties/ #css
588 views08:15
2022-04-23 11:15:56 Test component interactions with Storybook
Complete tutorial on how to simulate and verify user behavior

https://storybook.js.org/blog/test-component-interactions-with-storybook #react #storybook
425 views08:15
2022-04-22 11:15:33
Hey folks! Check out this online workshop "Practical E2E testing for web apps" from Fwdays with trainer Alexey Raspopov!

Fwdays organized IT events in Ukraine, but now transfer the funds to verified humanitarian aid foundations

About the workshop: Tired of countless Redux boilerplate tests? Have a hard time debugging testing library errors? Feel like all those things don’t seem to bring much value? And you’re right! Let’s talk about a level of testing that brings the most value while requiring the smallest effort and the tools that make it all possible.

Trainer Alexey Raspopov — developer with over 10 years of experience and Senior Software Engineer at Notable.

  Date and time: May 12, from 4 p.m till 6 p.m. (GMT+3).
 Format: in English, online, using Zoom.
 The number of participants: up to 25 participants.
 Approximate duration: 2 hours.

There are two tariffs: standard and premium. The price starts from 59 euros.
Buy tickets for the workshop and support Ukraine  https://bit.ly/3KZ5HJI
852 views08:15
2022-04-22 08:15:12 Common accessibility issues that you can fix today

440 views05:15
2022-04-21 08:15:38 React Hook: Detect Click outside of Component

https://www.robinwieruch.de/react-hook-detect-click-outside-component/ #react
778 views05:15
2022-04-20 08:15:23 react custom hooks - demystified in 5 simple steps

https://www.rahulsuresh.net/blog/how-to-create-custom-hook-in-react #react
1.0K views05:15
2022-04-19 08:15:15 React Folder Structure in 5 Steps [2022]

https://www.robinwieruch.de/react-folder-structure/ #react
1.2K views05:15
2022-04-18 08:15:21 CSS Parent Selector

A deep dive into the CSS :has parent selector, looking at how it works, with plenty of use-cases and visual examples.

https://ishadeed.com/article/css-has-parent-selector/ #css
1.4K views05:15
2022-04-04 17:51:42 Hey folks! Check this online workshop "The Art of Code: Ray-Tracing in JavaScript" from Fwdays with trainer Dylan Beattie!

Fwdays organized IT events in Ukraine, but now transfer the funds to verified humanitarian aid foundations or accounts of the Ukrainian military

About the workshop: In this live, interactive workshop with Dylan Beattie, you'll learn about ray-tracing, the fundamental technology behind photorealistic computer graphics. During the first part of the workshop, you'll explore the mathematics behind light and shade, colour and texture, and implement these ideas by building a simple ray-tracer in JavaScript that runs in a browser. Then, during the second part of the workshop, you'll use JS ray-tracer to create own digital works of art.

Trainer Dylan Beattie — created his first web page in 1992; a Microsoft MVP and the creator of the Rockstar esoteric programming language; presented talks about technology and software development at conferences and events all over the world.

Date and time: April 14 (Tuesday) from 2:00 p.m. till 6 p.m. (GMT+3).
Format: in English, online, using Zoom.
Audience: developers from all levels and backgrounds; all you'll need to take part is a browser, a code editor, and a little imagination.

The number of places is limited. There are two tariffs: standard and premium. The price starts from 87 euros.

Buy tickets for the workshop and support Ukraine https://bit.ly/3iZCQc9
2.7K views14:51
2022-03-23 19:21:04 Для громадян України. Вивчайте програмування безкоштовно

Дорогі українці, у цей важкий час ми дуже хочемо підтримати кожного із вас і починаємо надавати можливість безкоштовного навчання на ITVDN.

Війна скінчиться. Ми переможемо і нам треба буде відбудовувати нашу країну заново. Ми створимо ще гарніші нові міста, відбудуємо зруйновані мости, школи, лікарні. Наразі – єднаймося і допомагаємо один одному.

Якщо ви маєте доступ до інтернету і не можете наразі допомагати нашим захисникам – вивчайте програмування. Ці знання допоможуть вам скоріше стати на ноги після війни, бо Україні і усьому світу потрібні програмісти.

Заповніть заявку, щоб отримати безкоштовний доступ до усіх курсів ITVDN. Пропозиція дійсна тільки для громадян України. 

Перешли другу, який цікавиться програмуванням. 

Разом до перемоги! Слава захисникам України!
4.0K views16:21