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^^^^ Vote for the next topic! ^^^^ (check the poll above) | Front-End Engineer Blog

^^^^ Vote for the next topic! ^^^^
(check the poll above)

Hey, let's choose the next video topic. I'm planning to record 3 more SD videos, however, I think it's good to some other topics that might be insteresting for community. We have a democracy in our channel, so YOU get to decide the next topic
Привет, выбираем тему следующего ролика! У меня пока в планах записать еще 3 видео по СД, но думаю разбавить контент, чем то еще. В нашем канале демократия, так что тему следующего ролика выбираешь Ты

1. Solving one of the most diffucult and common coding problem
2. Life in the UK, salary, expenses, visa situation, path to citizenship and many more
3. Next serie of Front-End System Design
4. System Design bits: HTTP2 protocol, all type of client side caching (from browser to client-side libraries)

Your vote is important!