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Everscale Dev (RU)

Логотип телеграм канала @freetondev_ru — Everscale Dev (RU) E
Логотип телеграм канала @freetondev_ru — Everscale Dev (RU)
Адрес канала: @freetondev_ru
Категории: Без категории
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 1.10K
Описание канала:

Официальный канал о разработке под Everscale Network
EverOS DEV ecosystem - нода, компиляторы, SDK, тестовые сети и другие инструменты.
Чат РУ: @freetondevru
Чат АНГЛ: @tondev_en

Рейтинги и Отзывы


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Последние сообщения

2022-07-29 13:34:31
Dear Evercloud users and Everscale developers,

This is an important announcement.

Starting from September 1st 2022, Evercloud API access will only be available for the authorized users.

Read more here -->> https://tonlabs.notion.site/Authorization-and-dashboard-5ff7ad94999a49ec9cfaeedf34285146
276 views10:34
2022-06-29 15:57:26
Community-driven development

Dear Everscale developers and Evernode Platform users,
we have a big announcement for you today!

For over two years the Evernode Platform team has been developing its products based on the requirements of the ecosystem and the wishes of the the community.

Up until now the community feedback was collected in Telegram channels and personal conversations with developers. The Evernode Platform roadmap was published on our website in January 2022.

Now we want to bring our communication with the community to the next level.

We changed the structure of our website to better reflect community-driven approach and turned the roadmap into a more convenient kanban board.

We also added a way to submit your ideas, vote for and comment on the ideas of others.

Links to the roadmap and the ideas page are now in the header of the website.

Our website: https://docs.everos.dev/evernode-platform/

Thank you for choosing Evernode Platform.
Let's make it together
518 views12:57
2022-06-27 17:42:41
Dear Evernode Cloud users!
Mainnet Cloud is fixed.

We have fixed the bug with empty cell parsing that returned incorrect value for { shard_hashes { shard }} in case of p12.min_split = 0. Now API is fully functional.
419 views14:42
2022-06-22 13:06:13
Release evernode-se 0.31.0

- log_path config field for configuring node log file location.
- /se REST endpoint for SE realtime control.
- /se/increase-time?delta= feature to move time forward.
- PoA consensus was removed from source code.
- Source code drastically simplified and reorganized.
- Randomization added for block generation
- Extra thread creation was removed
- Tokio crate dependencies were removed
- Extra crate dependencies were removed

- tvm.random() now generates random values
603 views10:06
2022-05-23 11:29:22
Deleted accounts available in Evernode Public API

Many of you requested us to see the deleted accounts in Cloud public API.

We added this feature and also processed all the transaction history to recover old deleted accounts.

All the deleted accounts are now available in API and [https://ever.live/](https://ever.live/landing)

Thank you for your feedback and if you have any please leave it in channels or Everscale telegram channel
745 views08:29
2022-05-17 21:48:04 Channel name was changed to «Everscale Dev (RU)»
2022-05-17 15:25:20
Subscriptions backend redesigned

Many of you reported us feedback about poor websocket subscriptions quality: frequent websocket reconnections, missed data, stalling and so on.

We invested significant amount of time in the complete redesign of the subscriptions backend and deployed it to production 2 weeks ago. Some of our clients have already made tests on their side and confirmed that no reconnects and no data loses occur any more.

You don't need to migrate to the new subscriptions. If you are using subscriptions now, they already work on the new backend!

If you used 'pull' approach because of subscriptions unreliability,
now you can switch to websockets and become more real-time and responsive to your users.

Thank you for your feedback and we are happy to hear more of it to improve and give you better service.

782 views12:25
2022-04-22 14:08:32 Attention to all Everscale developers!

This is a friendly reminder about coming feature sunsets in Evernode Public API.

These features will be switched off on 1st of June - 40 days left.
Take time to migrate your applications to the new features following the migration guides.

June 1 2022 API Sunset list:

- getAccountsTotalBalance
- getTransactionsCount
- getAccountsCount
- when argument in all joined fields (for example, `transaction.in_message`'s when argument)
- all explain* methods

See the deprecation schedule for migration guides and other sunset dates!
985 views11:08
2022-04-20 14:08:52 Attention to all Everscale developers!

This is a scheduled friendly reminder that net*.ton.dev and main*.ton.dev endpoints will be switched off on 16th of May. Please migrate your application to the new endpoints.

Deprecation schedule:

You can find the actual list of public endpoints in the documentation
894 views11:08
2022-04-12 16:50:07 Dear Developers and Partners!

We are ready to enable new TVM instructions in Everscale Main Net.

This update will lead to a BREAKING CHANGE in account format which may cause your nodes to stop working.

To avoid such problems - you need to UPDATE your DApp Servers and Validator Nodes to the latest version:

DApp server ≥0.1.5 version - https://github.com/tonlabs/evernode-ds/releases
Validator Node - latest master commit https://github.com/tonlabs/ton-labs-node

At the moment we support both Account format versions in Public API and in DApp Server API so that applications can smoothly migrate to the new account version. To do it just update SDK to the latest version (≥1.31.0). If you work with API directly, enable the new http header. We encourage you to do it ASAP because we will support both account formats temporarily.


New TVM instructions (extension)

Developer migration guide

TON-SDK release with new Account Format

How to use new TVM features in Solidity: tvm.code, tvm.initCodeHash

More about protocol changes in EverX Node
1.0K views13:50