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Delicious Patties with Cheese Ingredients:⠀ Minced meat - 50 | Food Porn

Delicious Patties with Cheese


Minced meat - 500g (pork + beef);⠀
Half an onion;
Egg - 1 unit;
Salt, spices - to taste
Cheese - a couple slices


Chop onion finely. Add egg, onion, salt, spices and mix everything well. Form big patties (I had 3 pieces), it's more convenient to do it with wet hands, this way minced meat will not stick to your hands. Fry the meatballs in a pan on each side until crispy. Then place in a baking dish and bake at 190 degrees for 40 minutes. 15 minutes before baking, flip the cutlets so the other side gets crusty too. Put cheese on the hot cutlets so that it melts and then put the tomato slices, sprinkle with greens. You can choose any side dish, for example, potato wedges. Done. Enjoy your meal!