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Английские слова уровня C1 (эти я учила сегодня) To expropria | flowermen🌈

Английские слова уровня C1 (эти я учила сегодня)

To expropriate (land/building) – to take a piece of land and convert it into a public space
To tackle smth – to try to deal with smth
To impose smth on smth – навязывать, вводить, устанавливать – to officially force a rule, tax, punishment, etc. to obeyed/received
To devastate smth – разрушить – to destroy a place or thing completely or cause great damage
To undergo smth – претерпеть, испытать – to experience something that is unpleasant or something that involves a change
To host smth – размещать, проводить – to provide the space and other things necessary for a special event
To neglect smth – пренебрегать, упускать, забывать – to fail to give needed care or attention to someone or something
To divert – перенаправлять – to cause to change direction
To boost smth – повышать, увеличивать – to increase/improve/to rocket