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FileMarket Alpha FVM Testnet was active 11.03-14.03 A total | FileMarket News

FileMarket Alpha FVM Testnet was active 11.03-14.03

A total of 18100 messages were created, and 10160 smart contracts were invoked in the Filecoin Hyperspace test network;
7285 messages were created, and 4840 smart contracts were invoked by FileMarket early adopters. We you, guys!

About 40% of all Filecoin messages and about 70% of smart contract invokes were made by us these four days!

At least 3200 collections;
At least 1400 tokens;
702 successful "buy" clicks;
888 orders;
103 file transfers were completed successfully.

And right now, you can join the Filecoin Virtual Machine (FVM) Launch Celebration!