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Hello, world! I wanted to tell you about the cool thing we ar | Fedor in Metawonderland

Hello, world!
I wanted to tell you about the cool thing we are doing in Connect.Club.

All the company meetings are open to the public. They can be meeting between developers and designers. Or even the meeting of the strategic circle talking about the results of the week, planning the week ahead – we make all these team meetings open in our app.
Any user can witness what we are talking about, discussing things, and arguing about them. They can even participate – raise their hand and say: "Guys, I don't think that what you're doing makes sense." Or ask a question.

I think this is really badass, actually Because, you know, it takes courage for a company to be so open.
I'm hoping that as you guys will join these meetings and see the process. And I hope that this will inspire some companies to also be so open. I would actually love to see the process inside of Notion or Tesla, or any other company that I admire.
We are doing it and if you want to see how it happens – reach out to me, and I'll send you an invite to Connect Club (we are still invite-only) I hope that this inspires you. Let me know if you have thoughts.