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на real life вышло хорошее эссе про то, как google street view | фамадихана.

на real life вышло хорошее эссе про то, как google street view создал памятник пандемии:

people also waited for the necessities of life. you may have seen an image in the new york times last spring showing a bird’s-eye view of an endless line of cars entering a san antonio food bank. when i locate the same food bank on street view, photographed most recently in 2019, it’s just an empty parking lot, expansive in a way only possible in texas. its banality foreshadows what was to come. against photojournalism’s sensationalism, street view conveys an affective blankness. in place of an individual narrative flashpoint, it offers up a sprawling record of a million moments of public life. the suffering, so front and center in the times, is here, just out of frame.
