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Shoot videos and earn SLC coins Seallex continues its steady | Fairmonitor - мониторинг инвестиционных проектов / 🇺🇸 Monitoring of investment projects

Shoot videos and earn SLC coins

Seallex continues its steady development!

1. Shoot'n earn

You create a huge amount of video reviews about our company and we really appreciate it!

Now, everyone who has filmed a video review can receive a well-deserved reward.

Detailed conditions in the full version of the news

2. The report about the offline conference in Vietnam has been published!

3. SLC release preliminary date has been planned for free exchange on decentralized exchange

4. List of webinars for May will be published soon

Sincerely, Seallex

Telegram chat: @Seallex_Chat

Telegram channel: @Seallex