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E-PR online is offering an annual digital PR contract. • 12 | Е-PR online

E-PR online is offering an annual digital PR contract.

• 12 publications a year
The cost of 1 article including text writing.
• 1,500$-when paid monthly (a total of 18,000$ for 12 publications)
• 1000$- when paying a one-time payment (a total of 12,000$ for 12 publications)

There are several thousands of media offered for you in our catalog. We will select the media that suits your category, field of activity, and audience best.

Articles get posted on Google’s TOP listings.
You pay once, and advertising works for you for many years!

As a bonus you will get a Wikipedia article written (in English) about you or your business for free.
Media catalog: https://e-pr.online
Portfolio: https://e-pr.online/portfolio/
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