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Without cats our world would be overrun by rats within a year | Английские слова

Without cats our world would be overrun by rats within a year or two. Trillions upon trillions of rodents and other, small invasive species would INVADE every home, every business and every square mile of the planet
Без кошек наш мир был бы наводнен крысами в течение года или двух.
Триллионы и триллионы грызунов и других мелких инвазивных видов ВТОРГНУТСЯ в каждый дом, каждый бизнес и каждую квадратную милю планеты

Invade — вторгаться, оккупировать, заселять, нападать

Synonyms: intrude, attack, raid, foray, overrun, rush, occupy, conquer

adj. — invading

Weeds had invaded the garden.
Hitler's troops invaded Poland on September 1, 1939.
Every summer the town is invaded by tourists.
Reccoons invade towns and dwell(обитают) near garbage containers.
We took advantage of our enemy's vulnerability and invaded their territory.
