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How to Beat Social Media Algorithms Social media platforms ch | Enter in IT

How to Beat Social Media Algorithms

Social media platforms charge you nothing to use them, except info about you. Their algorithms decide what content to show you. Don’t make their data harvesting easier —skirt the algorithms whenever you can.

Don’t confirm the algorithm’s assumptions. Avoid interacting with suggested content if possible. If you find something interesting in suggestions, search for it manually and watch it from there.

Eliminate suggested feeds when possible. Change your feeds to sort chronologically don’t train the platform’s algorithm. Not for all social medias! Facebook and Twitter let you sort by recent posts. Instagram might not have a chronological feed at the moment, but it’s coming. TikTok - watch content from the “Following” (would show you videos only from accounts you follow).

Use platforms without your account when possible (YouTube, Reddit).

Use a burner account, with none of your real info.
