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Top 8 Internet Fraud and Scams (Part 3) Fake Virus Warnings | Enter in IT

Top 8 Internet Fraud and Scams (Part 3)

Fake Virus Warnings. Most people trust that antivirus warnings mean something is wrong with their computer, which is why attackers create fake virus warnings to trick you (popups, phony websites, malicious apps that generate fake messages). These might demand payment to "unlock" full security features, or offer a phone number that will connect you to scammers.

Fake Charities, Sweepstakes, and Others. Often, after a natural disaster that makes international headlines, fraudsters will reach out via email or other methods to collect money for a "good cause." Like phishing emails, you should never respond to unsolicited messages like this. If you want to donate to a charitable cause, visit it directly and make sure it's a reputable organization.

If you receive messages claiming that you've won a lottery you never entered, have uncollected debt on an account you know nothing about, or similar, ignore it.
