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​WHERE TO START TO EAT RIGHT Set a goal By setting a goal to | SPORTIFY


Set a goal
By setting a goal to tighten your body for the summer, it will be easier to motivate yourself to start eating right.

Get rid of all the junk you have in your fridge
Nothing should keep you from going to your dream. Try swapping sugar for honey and mayonnaise for natural yogurt. You can always find a substitute for your favorite product.

Be sure to eat breakfast
Breakfast is the main meal. You need to be energized for the whole day. Start the day with complex carbohydrates.

Create a menu
It's best to schedule your diet for the week. This will make it easier for you to start eating healthy.

Not much, but often
Try to eat in small portions, but five times a day. Change your usual plate to a smaller size, so you can control the portion size.

Only with a list
When planning a grocery shopping trip, make a list of proper nutrition products. This way you will not buy unnecessary junk food. You should always have at home cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, brown rice), meat, fish, dairy and dairy products, eggs, vegetables, fruits in a healthy diet.

Find an ally
Support each other, motivate each other, compete. Share with like-minded people successes, new recipes for good nutrition.

After 6:00 pm
We often hear the phrase "I do not eat after 6. What should we do? You should eat 3-4 hours before going to bed. Try to keep the last meal light. Give preference to lean meat or fish, add a salad of fresh vegetables.

Developing a system of healthy eating, creating a menu and sticking to the diet can avoid breakdowns and overeating.
It's easy to start eating right, and by following these rules, you'll notice how your well-being will improve. And if you include sports, your skin and body will also become firmer.