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Цветные идиомы pt.4! Idioms with red colour: to catch som | English with Dari

Цветные идиомы pt.4!

Idioms with red colour:

to catch someone red-handed - поймать с поличным

example: The teacher caught my classmates red-handed. They were cheating at the test.

to paint the town red - бурно праздновать, кутить

example: Our exams are finally over so we can celebrate and paint the town red.

red flag - тревожный звоночек, повод для беспокойства

example: He treats his mum awfully. It’s always a red flag.

red hot - пользующийся повышенным спросом, вызывающий ажиотаж

example: Did you see queues to the reStores? The new iPhone is a real red hot!

red tape - бюрократия, бумажная волокита

example: When people apply for a visa to the USA there’s usually a lot of red tape.

to roll out a red carpet - организовать торжественный прием, принять по высшему разряду

example: My elder brother is coming back home from College so my parents are going to roll out a red carpet this weekend.
