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VAGUE and OBSCURE what is the difference between them and is | english with books and movies🍿📚


what is the difference between them and is there one?

both of these words are translated as «смутный, неясный».

according to a Cambridge Dictionary “vague” as an adjective has several meanings:

— not clearly expressed, known, described or decided

ex: The patient had complained of vague pains and backache.
(Пациент жаловался на непонятные боли и боли в спине.)

My aunt is incredibly vague person - she can never remember where she puts things.
(Моя тетя невероятно рассеянный человек - она никогда не может вспомнить, куда она кладет вещи.)

Now let’s look at the meanings of the word obscure. Cambridge Dictionary gives us two definitions:

— not known for many people

ex: an obscure Island is on the Pacific
(Неизвестный остров находится на Тихом океане)

— not clear and difficult to understand or see

ex: his answers were obscure and confusing
(его ответы были неясными и запутанными)

sometimes “obscure” can be translated as «темный», «мрачный»

these adjectives are def synonyms!