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Attention Attention Attention Our speaking session to ma | English with Joy and Inspiration

Attention Attention Attention

Our speaking session to mark the first birthday of my channel is rescheduled for Monday (27th March), 18:00 Moscow time, online.

We will be discussing a topic, practising your skills, working on your vocabulary and sharing ideas in a friendly and supportive atmosphere.

The session is free!

If you would like to take part in it, please hurry up. The first 16 people who get in touch with me, will be able to participate in the club.

The club is for language learners with B2 level (Upper-Intermediate)

If you are willing to join the session, please send a message to @NatalyaLisitsina stating your intention.

All the necessary materials will be sent to you on Wednesday.

Looking forward to hearing from you!