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Hi, guys! А вы разыгрываете своих родных или друзей 1 апреля? | УЧИЛКА АНГЛИЙСКОГО

Hi, guys!

А вы разыгрываете своих родных или друзей 1 апреля?

А вот
4 Best April Fools' Pranks
и интересная лексика

a prank - пранк, розыгрыш

Change the date
Before they wake up in the morning, change all the calendars in the house, plus their phone if you can get to it, to make them believe it's a totally different day. And this year, April 1 is on a Saturday, so you can get the kids up early and tell them it's time for school.

to get to smth - добраться до чего-то
a totally different day - совершенно другой день

Scary Silhouettes
All you need for this gag is a few strategically placed fake insects — or, you can even cut them out of paper. Stick them to the inside of a lamp, and when your target flips the switch — yikes! They’ll discover some very suspicious silhouettes inside the shade.

a gag - шутка, розыгрыш
strategically placed - стратегически расположенный
your target - ваша цель
to flip the switch - щелкнуть выключателем
suspicious silhouettes - подозрительные силуэты

All Eyes
Glue a pair of googly eyes on every single item within the fridge — so the products appear to stare back when someone opens the door.
to glue - приклеить
googly eyes - игрушечные глаза
every single item within the fridge - каждый продукт внутри холодильника
to stare back - смотреть в ответ

Undrinkable Drinks
Whip up some Jello and let it set in juice glasses, complete with a straw in each. Serve them up to guests’ surprise: Those “drinks” aren’t liquid at all, and those straws will get them nowhere.

to whip up - взбивать
straws - трубочки